Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi "Redmi Router AX6S"/"Xiaomi Router AX3200"

you shouldn't run RB01.71 FW as recovery initram by using U-Console.

Instead you should follow XiaoMi recovery method.

step 1: change ur LAN IP to, setup a TFTP server and serve XIAOMI recovery image (C0A81F01.img - last 2 digits might be different on ur side).
step 2: you press RESET and power on for 10-20sec, until orange light flashing.
step 3: wait until you see BLUE light start flash, means recovery is done.

Do XiaoMi recovery method will reset it. AX3200 is almost "unbrickable" as long u didn't touch U-boot.
get a UART serial connection is highly recommended, as you will see all the output, enter option at U-console.

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Can You, please, point me to some instructions for linux. I've installed windows on my machine (dual boot) just to use some "original" xiaomi app probably only in Chinese, so,buttons full of question marks and no success.
XiaoMi recovery method???

@smilenkovski What goal you want to archive with AX3200?

I made a mistake, its Xiaomi recovery method or TFTP method. the steps I wrote here are TFTP. Xiaomi recovery tool is full of question mark.

To install openwrt again. I thought that I should go back to original os first.
Actually to unbrick it anyway.

The recovery method is already very detailed here by mikeeq.

you just use tftpd64.exe in Windows to setup DHCP server to serve the Xiaomi recovery image.

Thank you

Thanks for the guide
So I followed the steps and i still got the same:
The LEDs are supposed to be static orange and blue and not blinking?
Just to be on the same page, I got the AX3200, because Wiki Page states there is only UART or Mesh device Reset method:

If your device does not have telnet enabled from factory and it is a Redmi AX6 (RB03 model), you can enable telnet by flashing stock “closed beta” firmware labelled miwifi_rb03_firmware_stable_1.2.7_closedbeta.bin. (MD5: 5eedf1632ac97bb5a6bb072c08603ed7). If your device is a Xiaomi AX3200 (RB01 model) and does not have telnet enabled from factory, stop here - unfortunately, there is no known way to enable telnet on this model other than the UART flash or “netmode: 4” methods.

But what I am wondering is "uart":false -> ao I would also not be able to perform the uart method

Edit: I got the file on tftp: "miwifi_rb01_firmware_36352_1.0.50_INT.bin" -> "C0A81F01.img"

Pls. follow the netmode 4 method to enable enable telnet if your device is RB01 and with production date 11/2021 or later. you need another AX3200 though...

I see, has maybe anyone tried to figure out if it is possible to replicate the traffic between the 2 Routers?

Hello, thanks to the wiki information, I managed to get OpenWRT 22.03.2 working on the Xiaomi Redmi Router AX6S (RB03).

My problem is that the 5G wifi is seemingly stuck at max transmit power. I get -51 dB signal strength on whatever I set as txpower (went as low as 2 dBm). I used three ways to set the txpower:

  • web interface
  • command line: iw phy1 set txpower fixed 5.0
  • config file: /etc/config/wireless (shows same as web interface)

All settings seem to work (e.g. iwinfo wlan1 txpower shows the correct 5 dBm) I restarted the device after each change to no avail. I always get -51 db signal strength.
The issue seems similar to this post:

Does anybody here know how to enforce the txpower setting? Here is the output of iwinfo, showing the ineffective txpower:

wlan1     ESSID: "MySSID"
          Access Point: MyMAC
          Mode: Client  Channel: 161 (5.805 GHz)
          Center Channel 1: 155 2: unknown
          Tx-Power: 10 dBm  Link Quality: 51/70
          Signal: -59 dBm  Noise: unknown
          Bit Rate: 292.7 MBit/s
          Encryption: unknown
          Type: nl80211  HW Mode(s): 802.11nacax
          Hardware: 14C3:7915 14C3:7915 [MediaTek MT7915E]
          TX power offset: none
          Frequency offset: none
          Supports VAPs: yes  PHY name: phy1

This is a known issue of the mt76 Wi-Fi drivers that affects this and other devices. At least on this device it is stuck at maximum (which is not desirable in some cases but it works in most situations). In some models it is the opposite, to power is too low and makes the devices unusable.

There is a very long thread about is issue in the link below (and most of the discussion is focused on fixing the low power issues). Unfortunately there is not a clear solution so far.

BTW, the first issue was reported back in 2016 (below). 5 years have passed and this issue still exists. So if you really need to control TX power with OpenWrt you should avoid Mediatek devices.


Would that model
Also work for netmode 4?

The "Netmode 4" method uses OOTB Xiaomi router behaviour that utilizes a Mesh functionality on both devices.
It seems that Xiaomi range extender you mentioned doesn't have any Mesh support.

Can you provide a compiled version with stock drivers? That would be awesome :smiley:

done, check my repo


That was fast :heart_eyes:

Thanks! Will try this this evening!

looks like this evening is to long, have you try it, i ask because i do not use this version, but i wan make sure all is right.
this version is up to date wit openwrt that's all.

Tried this already but the wifi setup is not similar like normal openwrt. No mesh capability. For those who are looking for using the router as mesh point, cant use this firmware.

Try to use plain snapshoot build, it work. The 5Ghz band also work fine.

Plain vanila openwrt v22.03.2 have some issue with 5Ghz, very slow download speed, but snapshoot looks good.

There is mesh feature with @anon4457646's mtk image, just need to disable 802.11r on other routers.

have u tested snapshot's 5Ghz range and upload speed?