Add support for Iomega Storcenter ix4-200d

I'm still working on being able to trigger the LEDs, but I'm hitting a bit of a wall. The device uses a 74hc595 shift register driven by an SPI interface. Based on a lot of useful info from this thread, I've compiled my image with kmod-spi-gpio and kmod-gpio-nxp-74hc164.

This results in three entries in /sys/class/gpio, namely gpiochip0, gpiochip32 and gpiochip504. When I run this script for gpiochip504, I can actually toggle the LEDs on gpio 508, 509 and 511. Putting those in my DTS, however, does nothing.

I think I'm missing something with regards to addressing the correct gpiochip in my DTS, but I'm not sure which values to change. Maybe @robimarko has some insight?

The relevant part of the DTS file:

	spi3 {
		compatible = "spi-gpio";
		#address-cells = <0x1>;
		status = "okay";
		sck-gpios = <&gpio0 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		mosi-gpios = <&gpio0 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		cs-gpios = <&gpio0 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		num-chipselects = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		gpio_spi: gpio_spi@0 {
			compatible = "fairchild,74hc595";
			reg = <0>;
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			registers-number = <1>;
			spi-max-frequency = <100000>;

	gpio-leds {
		compatible = "gpio-leds";

		led_status_white {
			label = "status:white";
			gpios = <&gpio_spi 508 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

		led_status_red {
			label = "status:red";
			gpios = <&gpio_spi 509 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

		led_power_white {
			label = "power:white";
			gpios = <&gpio_spi 511 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;