I have tried to Add SSL to the web ui using the following guide with no look. https://tutorials.technology/tutorials/44-things-to-do-after-installing-linux-LEDE-17_01.html
Where am I going wrong?
I have tried to Add SSL to the web ui using the following guide with no look. https://tutorials.technology/tutorials/44-things-to-do-after-installing-linux-LEDE-17_01.html
Where am I going wrong?
That tutorial does a lot of different things, resulting in a pretty "custom" environment (I wouldn't do half of those things)...
The only thing you need to do for enabling https support for luci is:
# opkg update
# opkg install luci-ssl
That's it, done.
I have ran
# opkg update
# opkg install luci-ssl
which was successful, but when I direct my web browser to
I don't get an ssl connection. without https:// at the front works.
Try a reboot and it might work.
The reboot did the trick cheers.