Does fw4 reload-sets
But, why don't you add them directly into your OpenWrt UCI configs for the rule - and simply let the system make the proper nft
stanzas for you automatically?
(Also, perhaps this thread will help: [22.03] Translate extra/raw firewall rules - in this thread I successfully converted my ipsets to fw4)
Additionally, 2 Examples:
config ipset
option name 'bogons'
option match 'src_net'
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
list entry ''
config ipset
option name 'test'
option match 'src_net'
list entry ''
option loadfile '/tmp/test_ipset.txt'
(The second example shows how you can additionally use a file with a list of IP/ranges.)