Add ip to ipset in fw4 do not work

Hi all,
I try for weeks to add an IP-address to a defined ipset. I defined the ipset in LUCA, then I defined the rule in the Firewall ( LUCA ).

The ipset runs with the loadfile option.

That works.

Now I try to add an new IP to the ipset-file and reload it.
It works only if I restart the entire networlk or reboot the BPI.

works not with:
uci commit firewall
service firewall restart
fw4 reload
/etc/init.d/firewall reload
/etc/init.d/firewall restart
fw4 reload-sets also not

Onloy works with:
service network restart

But this interruppts all network traffic!

Can someone help?

Greetings Steffen

Instead of adding IPs to the file and reloading them, you can add them directly to the ipset:

nft add element inet fw4 "${RULE}" { "${IP}" }

What version of OpenWrt are you running?

There was a known issue with ipsets on some versions.

(Your command won't add the IP into the config though.)

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OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r22699-45f5115253 / LuCI Master git-23.104.28202-588c6a1

Kernel: 5.15.109

nft add element inet fw4 "${RULE}" { "${IP}" }

I tryed this => and its added to the ipset, but it not works until I reload the entire network or reboot the device.

It is a bug? or has someone an trick to let it work?

Does fw4 reload-sets work?

But, why don't you add them directly into your OpenWrt UCI configs for the rule - and simply let the system make the proper nft stanzas for you automatically?

(Also, perhaps this thread will help: [22.03] Translate extra/raw firewall rules - in this thread I successfully converted my ipsets to fw4)

Additionally, 2 Examples:

config ipset                                  
        option name 'bogons'                  
        option match 'src_net'                
        list entry ''                
        list entry ''               
        list entry ''            
        list entry ''              
        list entry ''           
        list entry ''            
        list entry ''             
        list entry ''             
        list entry ''           
        list entry ''            
        list entry ''          
        list entry ''           
        list entry ''              
        list entry '' 

config ipset                                  
        option name 'test'              
        option match 'src_net'                
        list entry ''            
        option loadfile '/tmp/test_ipset.txt'

(The second example shows how you can additionally use a file with a list of IP/ranges.)

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That works for me, loading IP set from a file, using the latest stable OpenWrt release.
Most likely you are doing something wrong, here's a working example:

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It works instantly for me...

Thu May 25 22:51:28 2023 daemon.err nginx[31282]: 2023/05/25 22:51:28 [error] 31298#0: *93996 directory index of "/www/default/" is forbidden, client: <some_address>, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "<my_address>"
Thu May 25 22:51:29 2023 user.notice root: BANSPIDER '<some_address>'
Thu May 25 22:51:31 2023 kern.warn kernel: [5189878.649137] FW_BANNED IN=pppoe-wan OUT= MAC= SRC=<some_address> DST=<my_address> LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=52 ID=30654 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=15182 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
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