- You realize you said "no Internet", correct?
- Did you add the reload command to your Scheduled Tasks (i.e. a cron job)???
- How do you have this reload "timed"?
- You can make a script to check the date of the last load, then load only if time < x_age
- Or even easier, the script can check for Internet first - then load the lists
Also, see:
- your firewall rules are wrong, as the traffic you wish to intercept would be a FORWARD from LAN to WAN, not INPUT to the device
- Let alone the error, do you even have a service running that handles port 5353 traffic???
- Again,you realize you said "no Internet", correct?
- Adblock cannot load blocklists [from the Interent] without an actual Internet connection
Is "Blocklist Backup" checked by chance?