464XLAT configuracion

About one year ago, I did some test with the CLAT in the 464XLAT package with OpenWRT. Unfortunately I lost the config file, so I don't recall all the setup ...

I'm trying to reproduce that in LEDE, and no success. Anyone has done that?

Even if it was in OpenWRT, I can try again both in OpenWRT and LEDE.

Just in case anyone has the same trouble ...

I've got this working in both OpenWRT (15.05) and LEDE (stable 17.01.0 and trunk).

It tried it both in a hardware router and VM x86/64.

There are some issues, such as ping (IPv4) not working in LEDE and the default route not being created. That confused me until I tried browsing/skype, etc. ... Already discussing with the maintainer and developers copied. I've also suggested some improvements.


#1.Config WAN
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.ifname='eth1'
uci set network.wan.proto='dhcp'

#2.Config 464XLAT
uci set network.xlatd=interface
uci set network.xlatd.proto='464xlat'
uci set network.xlatd.tunlink='wan'
uci set network.xlatd.ip6prefix='64:ff9b::/96'
uci commit network

#Enable 464xlat
ifup wan
ifup xlatd

ifconfig show new interface "464clat".