As promised by my 2020-08-01 sign-off posting, this is a progress report of what our team has done with the OpenWrt code and its relationship to the current cyber security concerns.
Thanks to Dave Taht's work, we were able to configure a RAN (Regional Area Network) capable of serving up to a population of up to 256M, by using the enhanced OpenWrt code:
I thought it was made clear last time that nobody is interested in this, specially since you patented the idea. And considering that you presented your findings as a complete success, I still cannot understand what do you expect from OpenWrt.
" ... specially since you patented the idea. ... ":
One less known reason for patenting an idea is to prevent it from being claimed by a dominant player and then put it in the deep freezer.
" ... what do you expect from OpenWrt. ... ":
As stated at the beginning of this new thread, it is a progress report. No technical task is expected. The OpenWrt community is welcome to make use of the results.
As described in the EzIP documents, all parties in a RAN will be assigned with unique static addresses. This enables RAN operations be as predictable as possible, such as pre-determined hierarchical routing, both primary, alternatives, etc. Dynamic routing will only be used as backup facility.
Since this has been discussed several times in the past, and it is clear that nobody from the OpenWrt project is interested in developing against this special netblock, I am going to close this thread.
The thread can be revisited if/when the industry as a whole begins to adopt this concept (i.e. major players in the routing hardware/software industry). Until then, please do not open any new threads about 240/4.