As the title suggests the luci ddns page (package luci-app-ddns) will not load on a fresh build of openwrt from master with freshly updated and installed feeds if using the OpenWrt theme instead of bootstrap (package luci-theme-openwrt). I've tried to dig into why using some information provided in the browser developer tools console but have not been able to figure out what's wrong.
An invalid or illegal string was specified
Failed to set the 'innerHTML' property on 'Element': The provided markup is invalid XML, and therefore cannot be inserted into an XML document.
should be caused by <br> that can be defined in 3 different way.... one should be the most compatible one, one is accepted and one is totally wrong but still handled by browser
@hnyman anyway can you give me more datails on how to reproduce this?
The PR was merged, the affected code is only present in master though while the thread title states 19.07... on which version did you observe these exceptions exactly?