19.07.0 - Xiaomi R3P

Just want to give a short and very positive feedback about 19.07.0 final and R3P. The router runs very good, so far no problems. Very good wifi performance , about 50MB/s netto in my home network using a MacBook Pro with 867 brutto speeds and no observable lags.
I have SQM and Wireguard up and running with great performance, 120Mbit on a 150Mbit line.
Thanks a lot to all the developers!!


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I want to push openwrt inside.
But I'm not sure how to proceed :

I have a stock firmware.

I just have to download the right factory/bin file and upload it from the webUI or I have to unlock it with the dev firmware from xiaomi, make some stuff and then, use the usb stick with factory.bin as mentionned in the product page ?

thank you for your help

See product page: https://openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/xiaomi_r3p_pro

Is 19.07.0 stable after 3 months of usage? Does this 'reachability' problem affect 19.07.0?

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