OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: sysupgrade on adm5120

The content of this topic has been archived on 17 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I try'ed sysupgrade firmware on adm 5120 but have error from script:

root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade -i http://www.server/firmware.trx
Invalid image type. Please use only .trx files
Image check 'platform_check_image' failed.

but whe i build kamikaze from sources i get only two images:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1966080 2009-03-18 12:55 openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-webui.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1900544 2009-03-18 12:55 openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin

how i can make .trx image ?

after sometime searching i found 'HDR0' (trx?) start-signature in both images
strip image:
dd if=openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin of=fw.trx bs=8192 skip=1

put fw.trx to www.server and:

root@OpenWrt:/# sysupgrade -n -v
Switching to ramdisk...
mount: mounting mini_fo:/tmp/root on /mnt failed: Function not implemented
Performing system upgrade...
Could not open mtd device: partition1
Can't open device for writing!
Upgrade completed

but nothing changed :-(
GURU Help please...

I dont use sysupgrade.
Here is what I am doing:
1. Place the openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin to /tmp
2. mount -o remount,ro /jffs
3. cd /tmp
4. mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware

I have made a simple script to make the job:

mount -o remount,ro /jffs
cd /tmp
mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware
Slammer wrote:

I dont use sysupgrade.
Here is what I am doing:
1. Place the openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin to /tmp
2. mount -o remount,ro /jffs
3. cd /tmp
4. mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware

I have made a simple script to make the job:

mount -o remount,ro /jffs
cd /tmp
mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware

Big thank's! - it real work!

This method does not keep the configuration.
Is there any way to keep some files before erasing?


mount -o remount,ro /jffs
cd /tmp
mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware

Does it runs with alix with squashfs

For example, I want to upgrade to this firmware : … shfs.image

I try it but it says me:

root@cLLeida:/tmp# mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-x86-squashfs.image firmware
Could not open mtd device: firmware
Can't open device for writing!


gilito wrote:


mount -o remount,ro /jffs
cd /tmp
mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-adm5120-br-6104kp-squashfs-xmodem.bin firmware

Does it runs with alix with squashfs

For example, I want to upgrade to this firmware : … shfs.image

I try it but it says me:

root@cLLeida:/tmp# mtd -r -e firmware write openwrt-x86-squashfs.image firmware
Could not open mtd device: firmware
Can't open device for writing!


i don't know... but it's depend from flash memory organization...

The discussion might have continued from here.