I'm putting a ad-hoc mesh together using WRT54's/OpenWrt/OLSR. As the mesh itself will host services I'd like to use tinc (VPN) to link nodes (which are out of range of each other) across the internet. An example configuration would be...

Node 1 <--- internet ---> Node 2
Node 1:
WAN - ISP DHCP Allocated
WLAN - (Ad-Hoc, OLSR)

Node 2:
WAN - ISP DHCP Allocated
WLAN - (Ad-Hoc, OLSR)

When the tinc connection comes up it will generate a new interface on each of the nodes (say TINC), what IP address/range should I use for this? Does it need to be within the LAN or WLAN space, or should it be complete different?

I am expecting to run the tinc link is a point-to-point fashion, meaning that natively Node 1 & 2 would only talk directly to each other, not automatically bridging to other nodes within wireless range of their partner. Any communication with the other nodes would be catered for by OLSR, the node would advertise (and forward to) who they could see across the tinc link.

The LAN should be protected from access, except where OLSR is forwarding a WLAN IP to the LAN (ie. deliberately making a LAN machine visible to the mesh).

Have I got the right idea, or am I missing something significant?