OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Batman on Meraki

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am trying to get batman to run on merakis and it seems to running fine on a small mesh.  As soon as the mesh goes beyond a single hop though, packet loss becomes a huge problem. 

I am wondering if anyone else is trying to do something similar and/or if there are any known limitations to the batman implementation?  Can multi-hop batman be done consistently?  and can it be done on meraki hardware?

I'm interested in running batman also but, sincerely, I don't known how to properly setup the interfaces prior to invoking the daemon. could you share your setup?


thanks smile

do not insert batman in your build tree  and use /directly /package/base-file/files/usr/sbin/ directory, placing into it the latest batman-0.3-beta revision

-- Antonio

The discussion might have continued from here.