OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: I wanna change my ssid but...

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I wanna change my SSID

I can change SSID using 'nvram set' and 'S40network restart'

but, preexistance connection is break

How can I do change my SSID and keep preexiatance connection?

is there some module helping my problem..?

If not exist that module, what driver or kernel source code edit?

I find that wl.o

but, it is bonding some object files(wl_ap.o, apsta_wl.o, etc...)

What is the source code that wl_ap.o, apsta_wl.o, ...

what file is that xxx.o' source code(xxx.c)? where? where can I get that source code (xx.c)

wl.o is binary from broadcom/linksys.  why do think you need to edit it? you definitely don't have to just to change the ssid

iwconfig ethx essid blah (temporary change until reboot, of course)

The discussion might have continued from here.