
I have two packages:

Package A produces an archive (libfoo.a). Package B links with libfoo.a to produce the executable bar. Hence, I've added package A to the the dependency list of package B.

Since package A has nothing to install, I've set its install rule to be empty:
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install
Instead, its InstallDev rule copies libfoo.a staging_dir

Now, when I compile the entire image everything works fine. I am able to create bar and load the image to the board. However, if I try to only update package B on the platform (using "opkg install --force-reinstall bar). I get the error:
"satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for bar: foo".

My understanding is that opkg expects package A to be installed in order to install package B. But, package A has nothing to install.

How should I address this issue?
