OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Add a CFE image with footer tag onto a open-wrt img.

The content of this topic has been archived on 9 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I need add CFE image with footer onto the image. I try without success(cat, addvtoken)

I already have custom image and (Original 2704N CFE) but i don't now how merge them.

Footer TAG

The 20 byte tag contains the 'NOT' CRC32 of the full image above + the 4 byte string '6318' + DWORD 0x00006318. The other 8 bytes can be left as 0x00.
There are tools which can add the 20 byte footer onto the image, like 'addvtoken' which is supplied in some GPL Source Codes.

I solved this problem using mtd to write the firmware without cfe and footer tag and worked.

but now I'm trying to compile the stable CC to my F@ST 2704N v1. I can't find the model into target, only the V2.
If a compile a new firmware using de trunk version, I'll find file for this board but I need the stable CC

how can I use the board-id in master branch in the stable CC ?

This is from master branch and I need to use in the CC.

The discussion might have continued from here.