OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: UPDATED: Oddball issue with package installs

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

UPDATE: I just installed file on there as well to check what it thinks the files are in case there's something broken about them, it exhibits the same behaviour so it looks like this is a general issue with package installs.

Hi All,

        Got a weird one, I've a WR703N running Chaos Calmer (r44511), which I'm building as a captive portal for a friend.

I've installed nodogsplash on it but although I can see nodogsplash and ndsctl in /usr/bin, and they have correct permissons, when I attempt to execute either of them ash reports the file isn't there;

root@portal:/# ls /usr/bin/
dirname              ndsctl              tr
dropbearkey          nodogsplash         traceroute

root@portal:/# /usr/bin/ndsctl
/bin/ash: /usr/bin/ndsctl: not found

root@portal:/# /usr/bin/nodogsplash
/bin/ash: /usr/bin/nodogsplash: not found

root@portal:/# cd /usr/bin/

root@portal:/usr/bin# ./nodogsplash
/bin/ash: ./nodogsplash: not found

root@portal:/usr/bin# ./ndsctl
/bin/ash: ./ndsctl: not found

Any suggestions?



(Last edited by jrandombob on 9 Oct 2015, 00:05)

Trunk packages are built with musl libc and your build is likely uclibc based., therfore binaries are unable to run.

Ugh, I was worried it was something like that... Guess it's time to stoke up my openwrt build environment again.


(Last edited by jrandombob on 9 Oct 2015, 11:27)

The discussion might have continued from here.