OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Update on Linksys WRT1900AC support

The content of this topic has been archived between 16 Sep 2014 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

I agree with the comment above. Only during boot up. I am still going strong with 30 days without reset. The problem - as noted above by gufus--and--others, could be with the WiFi driver and not the actual fan and fan script.


(Last edited by Juni0rM1nt on 8 Jun 2015, 15:52)

I love the OpenWRT Theme layout, but wasn't a huge fan of the color scheme... so I edited cascades.css and gave it a more modern look.  If anyone cares to try it, let me know what you think

cascades.css [/www/luci-static/]
**permissions for cascades.css must be set back to 644 after editing**

@charset "utf-8";

.lang_he {
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textarea#syslog {
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td input[type=text],
td input[type=password] {
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img.cbi-image-button {
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input.cbi-input-password {
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input.cbi-button-find {
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input.cbi-input-reload {
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input.cbi-button-reset {
    background-image: url('../resources/cbi/reset.gif');
    color: #000000;
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input.cbi-button-save {
    background-image: url('../resources/cbi/save.gif');
    color: #000000;
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    padding-right: 1px;

input.cbi-button-apply {
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    color: #000000;
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input.cbi-button-link {
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div.cbi-section-remove input {
    background-image: url('../resources/cbi/remove.gif');
    color: #ff0000;
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input.cbi-button-up {
    background-image: url('../resources/cbi/up.gif');
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input.cbi-button-down {
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input.cbi-button-edit:hover {
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input.cbi-button-reload:hover {
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    color: #aad200;
    border-color: #aad200;

input.cbi-button-reset {
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    color: #ffffff;
    background: #FF7D00;
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    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;

input.cbi-button-reset:hover {
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        color: #FF7D00;
        border-color: #FF7D00;

input.cbi-button-remove {
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input.cbi-button-remove:hover {
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.cbi-input-invalid {
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div.cbi-section-remove input {
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textarea {
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form > div > input[type=submit] {
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form > div > input[type=reset] {
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#    background: #323232;

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table.smalltext tr td {
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table.cbi-section-table .cbi-section-table-cell {
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div.cbi-value-field {
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input.cbi-section-create-name {
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div.cbi-map-descr {
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div.cbi-optionals {
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div.cbi-section-remove {
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.cbi-section-node .cbi-value-last {
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table.cbi-section-table td {
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tr.cbi-section-table-descr th {
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    color: #aad200;

td.cbi-section-table-optionals {
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.cbi-value-helpicon img {
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div.cbi-error {
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td.cbi-value-error {
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.cbi-value-error input,
.cbi-value-error select {
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.cbi-section-error {
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ul.cbi-tabmenu {
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#    top: 4px;
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ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab,
ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab-disabled {
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ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab a,
ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab-disabled a {
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ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab-highlighted a {
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ul.cbi-tabmenu li a:hover {
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ul.cbi-tabmenu li.cbi-tab a {
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div.cbi-tab-descr {
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.uci-change-list {
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.uci-change-list ins,
.uci-change-legend-label ins {
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.uci-change-legend-label del {
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.uci-change-list var,
.uci-change-legend-label var {
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.uci-change-list var ins,
.uci-change-list var del {
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.uci-change-legend {
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.uci-change-legend-label {
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.uci-change-legend-label>var {
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.uci-change-legend-label var ins,
.uci-change-legend-label var del {
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I have a few last tweaks to make (such as the usage bars on the status page, changing the color of hyperlinks, and reverting the highlight color back to gray), but all in all, it's about 95% complete.  If anyone notices bright red where it shouldn't be, please let me know, as I use bright red (#ff0000] to determine what code applies to what sections.

The only thing I noticed was the processes tab's background, if viewed other than in fullscreen/maximized, isn't scrolling to keep the  command buttons within the appropriate boxes.  At first I thought this was due to code I added, however, even after reverting back to the default cascades.css, this issue was still apparent.

**I'm not sure if there are rules regarding changing packages and coding someone else wrote, however I asked yesterday and never recieved an answer, so if this is an issue, please let me know**

(Last edited by JW0914 on 8 Jun 2015, 16:56)

Juni0rM1nt wrote:

I agree with the comment above. Only during boot up. I am still going strong with 30 days without reset. The problem - as noted above by gufus--and--others, could be with the WiFi driver and not the actual fan and fan script.



30-days with no lockups or reboots? Are you using devices on both 2.4 and 5 GHz, or only wired? How's the speed on each of the wireless frequencies? Do you experience a drop in speed, on either, after a period of days?

I captured the top log just before a 5Ghz failure. I'm not sure it helps much:

Mon Jun 8 16:00:00 CDT 2015  #################################################### TOP output ####################################################
Mem: 40504K used, 214760K free, 400K shrd, 2120K buff, 12752K cached
CPU:   0% usr   0% sys   0% nic  95% idle   0% io   0% irq   5% sirq
Load average: 0.07 0.04 0.05 1/52 5728
 1396     1 root     S     1668   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
 1411     1 root     S     1644   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
 1080     1 root     S     1456   1%   0% /usr/sbin/uhttpd -f -h /www -r WRT1 -
  944     1 root     S     1444   1%   0% /sbin/rpcd
  978     1 root     S     1420   1%   0% /sbin/netifd
 1022     1 root     S     1316   1%   0% /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -
 1117     1 root     S     1312   1%   0% /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -S /usr/sbin/ntpd-h
 1386   978 root     S     1308   1%   0% udhcpc -p /var/run/ -s
 5727  5720 root     R     1308   1%   0% top -n 1
 5720  5718 root     S     1308   1%   0% {ReportTOP} /bin/sh /root/ReportTOP
 5718  1022 root     S     1308   1%   0% /bin/sh -c /root/ReportTOP
    1     0 root     S     1304   1%   0% /sbin/procd
  999     1 root     S     1072   0%   0% /usr/sbin/odhcpd
 1045     1 root     S     1036   0%   0% /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/dro
  935     1 root     S      940   0%   0% /sbin/logd -S 16
 1253     1 nobody   S      864   0%   0% /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq
  582     1 root     S      788   0%   0% /sbin/ubusd
 1385   978 root     S      700   0%   0% odhcp6c -s /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script
  583     1 root     S      668   0%   0% /sbin/askfirst /bin/ash --login
    7     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [rcu_sched]
Mon Jun 8 16:05:00 CDT 2015  #################################################### TOP output ####################################################
Mem: 44476K used, 210788K free, 400K shrd, 2120K buff, 12756K cached
CPU:   0% usr   9% sys   0% nic  40% idle   0% io   0% irq  50% sirq
Load average: 5.93 2.46 0.96 3/54 5743
 1396     1 root     R     1668   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
 1411     1 root     D     1644   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
 1080     1 root     S     1456   1%   0% /usr/sbin/uhttpd -f -h /www -r WRT1 -
  944     1 root     S     1444   1%   0% /sbin/rpcd
  978     1 root     S     1420   1%   0% /sbin/netifd
 1022     1 root     S     1316   1%   0% /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -
 1117     1 root     S     1312   1%   0% /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -S /usr/sbin/ntpd-h
 1386   978 root     D     1308   1%   0% udhcpc -p /var/run/ -s
 5743  5734 root     R     1308   1%   0% top -n 1
 5734  5733 root     S     1308   1%   0% {ReportTOP} /bin/sh /root/ReportTOP
 5733  1022 root     S     1308   1%   0% /bin/sh -c /root/ReportTOP
    1     0 root     S     1304   1%   0% /sbin/procd
  999     1 root     S     1072   0%   0% /usr/sbin/odhcpd
 1045     1 root     S     1036   0%   0% /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/dro
  935     1 root     S      940   0%   0% /sbin/logd -S 16
 1253     1 nobody   S      864   0%   0% /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq
  582     1 root     S      788   0%   0% /sbin/ubusd
 1385   978 root     S      700   0%   0% odhcp6c -s /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script
  583     1 root     S      668   0%   0% /sbin/askfirst /bin/ash --login
    7     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [rcu_sched]

(Last edited by Chadster766 on 8 Jun 2015, 22:11)

silca wrote:
Juni0rM1nt wrote:

I agree with the comment above. Only during boot up. I am still going strong with 30 days without reset. The problem - as noted above by gufus--and--others, could be with the WiFi driver and not the actual fan and fan script.



30-days with no lockups or reboots? Are you using devices on both 2.4 and 5 GHz, or only wired? How's the speed on each of the wireless frequencies? Do you experience a drop in speed, on either, after a period of days?

We have about 7-8 devices connected at any given time of the day and they make use of both bands. 5GHz is always the fastest at close proximity avg: 60Mb/s on iPhones/iPads and over 100Mb/s for the ultrabooks  2.4Ghz has good range but 1/3 of the 5GHz speed. I never get to hear the fan kick in, ever.

Actually 29 days smile

Model    Linksys WRT1900AC
Firmware Version    OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45573 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235)
Kernel Version    3.18.11
Local Time    Mon Jun 8 21:26:23 2015
Uptime    29d 4h 2m 34s
Load Average 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

Hi Guys,
i wasnt going to chime in but i figured a bit of balance may actually be beneficial to the conversation, Like JM im on an older version of CC.
Model    Linksys WRT1900AC
Firmware Version    OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45415 / LuCI (git-15.109.40373-493662e)
Kernel Version    3.18.11

Has a bug crept in to a more recent update?....

Ive seen 27 Days up, and im currently on 17 Days. In each case the only reason they were rebooted was due to relocating the device, or when i was fiddling around to get my hard drive setup properly and getting my Usage tracking scipts working.

I haven't yet had a slow down or a lockup requiring a reboot. Yet prior to Easter this year running the stock Linksys firmware i was losing the 2.4GHz band every few days.

Im have about 8 devices connected at any one time on both 2.4 and 5ghz bands. A mixture of Apple (Iphone, Ipad, Macbook Air) and Android (2 x Galaxy s4) along with Chromecast, and a couple of Windows 8 laptops. With an HTPC and Amp/Receiver connected to wired connections.

The fan never kicks in while running that i have heard.

To be honest i've been wanting to re-flash with either Rc1 or Trunk, but i have resisted because i don't want to upset what is probably the most stable router i have had in the last 14 years! (famous last word, reaching out to knock on wood!)

Hopefully we as an online community can figure out the source of instability on some devices smile


Juni0rM1nt wrote:
silca wrote:
Juni0rM1nt wrote:

I agree with the comment above. Only during boot up. I am still going strong with 30 days without reset. The problem - as noted above by gufus--and--others, could be with the WiFi driver and not the actual fan and fan script.



30-days with no lockups or reboots? Are you using devices on both 2.4 and 5 GHz, or only wired? How's the speed on each of the wireless frequencies? Do you experience a drop in speed, on either, after a period of days?

We have about 7-8 devices connected at any given time of the day and they make use of both bands. 5GHz is always the fastest at close proximity avg: 60Mb/s on iPhones/iPads and over 100Mb/s for the ultrabooks  2.4Ghz has good range but 1/3 of the 5GHz speed. I never get to hear the fan kick in, ever.

Actually 29 days smile

Model    Linksys WRT1900AC
Firmware Version    OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45573 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235)
Kernel Version    3.18.11
Local Time    Mon Jun 8 21:26:23 2015
Uptime    29d 4h 2m 34s
Load Average 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

Both my units are subjected to intense traffic on wifi (both 2.4 and 5 GHz) and wired (transmission is always doing traffic with over 200 torrents active at any given time) plus video streaming on 2 tablets and 2 media players out of which one is on 24/7 playing cartoons for my little daughter and yet I have to come across a lock-up.


Just wondering if 'openwrt-15.05-rc1-mvebu-armada-xp-linksys-mamba-squashfs-factory.img' comes with luci pre-installed?

I'm a little hesitant because I will have to fool around with VLAN tagging to get internet connectivity and I'm more comfortable adjusting settings via a web interface.

Have successfully achieved VLAN tagging and subsequently internet connectivity via stock firmware and McWRT but no luck as of yet with CC builds.

Chadster766 wrote:

I captured the top log just before a 5Ghz failure. I'm not sure it helps much:

Mon Jun 8 16:05:00 CDT 2015  #################################################### TOP output ####################################################
Mem: 44476K used, 210788K free, 400K shrd, 2120K buff, 12756K cached
CPU:   0% usr   9% sys   0% nic  40% idle   0% io   0% irq  50% sirq
Load average: 5.93 2.46 0.96 3/54 5743

Load average hitting almost 6 and there's a good bit of irq load.  It must have been pushing some packets while this was happening? 

I don't think it's directly related to throughput load.  I think some condition is causing the wireless driver to not release a lock when it should and that drags the system down.

Did anyone notice the change in load in the Top log before failure? #Edit: @quagga did smile

5 minutes before failure:
Load average: 0.07 0.04 0.05 1/52 5728

Just before failure:
Load average: 5.93 2.46 0.96 3/54 5743

After the failure occurred the LEDs were frozen.

I monitored the temperature sensors right after reboot tried to immediately continue to load the WRT1900AC 5Ghz signal. I was not able to get the load up that high again but one of the temps and I'm sorry I can't remember exactly which one but I think it was CPU rose very quickly at almost a degree a second from 55 to 68 degrees.

I believe the solution is to have the a program (not script because we need faster reaction time) to monitor load and that ramps the fan from 0 to 100% accordingly. With fan at 100% when load is 1.50 which should be 75% CPU usage on a Dual Core system. I suggest pole time  greater than 250ms and less than or equal to .5s

(Last edited by Chadster766 on 9 Jun 2015, 15:41)

Transpiror wrote:

Just wondering if 'openwrt-15.05-rc1-mvebu-armada-xp-linksys-mamba-squashfs-factory.img' comes with luci pre-installed?

I'm a little hesitant because I will have to fool around with VLAN tagging to get internet connectivity and I'm more comfortable adjusting settings via a web interface.

Have successfully achieved VLAN tagging and subsequently internet connectivity via stock firmware and McWRT but no luck as of yet with CC builds.

From looking at the config file, it appears it does... however you will not be able to upgrade or install any packages that were updated for kernel 3.18.14, as the RC build is 3.18.11

(Last edited by JW0914 on 9 Jun 2015, 15:16)

Chadster766 wrote:

Any updates on the last critical wireless issue #20?

If no solution is in place couldn't the hostap driver code be easily changed to not disassociate the last wireless client?

quagga wrote:
Chadster766 wrote:

I captured the top log just before a 5Ghz failure. I'm not sure it helps much:

Mon Jun 8 16:05:00 CDT 2015  #################################################### TOP output ####################################################
Mem: 44476K used, 210788K free, 400K shrd, 2120K buff, 12756K cached
CPU:   0% usr   9% sys   0% nic  40% idle   0% io   0% irq  50% sirq
Load average: 5.93 2.46 0.96 3/54 5743

Load average hitting almost 6 and there's a good bit of irq load.  It must have been pushing some packets while this was happening? 

I don't think it's directly related to throughput load.  I think some condition is causing the wireless driver to not release a lock when it should and that drags the system down.

Yes heavy 5Ghz throughput.

My testing suggests it's related to temps due to throughput load.

(Last edited by Chadster766 on 9 Jun 2015, 15:46)

Chadster766 wrote:

Did anyone notice the change in load in the Top log before failure...

I changed the watchdogrebooter to the below, which basically included a TEMP report and a final TOP (if you want to add that).  I have made my temp a service on a x second poll but changed the logic to have the fan 255 when above a limit and drop to 100 when below a limit and this stopped the on/off problems.
Question: did yours reboot via reboot /f or did you do the sysrq ?


AppName="WatchDogRebooter v1.2"

TailResult=`tail -n 190 $SysLogFile | grep 'rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU'`
if [ "$TailResult" != "" ]
    echo `date` " ["  $AppName  "] -- *** found a stalled CPU, I think I should reboot *** -- " $TailResult "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    echo `date` " -- CPU=" `cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input` " DDR=" `cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input` " WIFI="`cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input` "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    echo `date` "  ******* TOP **************" "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    top -n 1 >> $SysLogFile    

    /sbin/reboot -f &
    echo `date` " ["  $AppName  "] -- *** rebooting??? *** -- " >> $SysLogFile    

    # if next time is a bust as well!
    # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 
    # echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

(Last edited by IvanRaide on 9 Jun 2015, 15:50)

IvanRaide wrote:
Chadster766 wrote:

Did anyone notice the change in load in the Top log before failure...

I changed the watchdogrebooter to the below, which basically included a TEMP report and a final TOP (if you want to add that).  I have made my temp a service on a x second poll but changed the logic to have the fan 255 when above a limit and drop to 100 when below a limit and this stopped the on/off problems.
Question: did yours reboot via reboot /f or did you do the sysrq ?


AppName="WatchDogRebooter v1.2"

TailResult=`tail -n 190 $SysLogFile | grep 'rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU'`
if [ "$TailResult" != "" ]
    echo `date` " ["  $AppName  "] -- *** found a stalled CPU, I think I should reboot *** -- " $TailResult "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    echo `date` " -- CPU=" `cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input` " DDR=" `cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input` " WIFI="`cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input` "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    echo `date` "  ******* TOP **************" "  " >> $SysLogFile    
    top -n 1 >> $SysLogFile    

    /sbin/reboot -f &
    echo `date` " ["  $AppName  "] -- *** rebooting??? *** -- " >> $SysLogFile    

    # if next time is a bust as well!
    # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 
    # echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

I don't have a reboot script and needed to manually power cycle.

Sorry the reboot ideology doesn't work for me but I'm glad it works for you smile

IMO the temps are in direct relation to load. It seem to me a paradigm shift away from the temperature sensors is required to easily head off the overheating premise.

Ramping is harder to do in programming than hard coded settings but I think it would be worth the effort.

(Last edited by Chadster766 on 9 Jun 2015, 16:05)

Chadster766 wrote:

Did anyone notice the change in load in the Top log before failure? #Edit: @quagga did smile

5 minutes before failure:
Load average: 0.07 0.04 0.05 1/52 5728

Just before failure:
Load average: 5.93 2.46 0.96 3/54 5743

After the failure occurred the LEDs were frozen.

I monitored the temperature sensors right after reboot tried to immediately continue to load the WRT1900AC 5Ghz signal. I was not able to get the load up that high again but one of the temps and I'm sorry I can't remember exactly which one but I think it was CPU rose very quickly at almost a degree a second from 55 to 68 degrees.

I believe the solution is to have the a program (not script because we need faster reaction time) to monitor load and that ramps the fan from 0 to 100% accordingly. With fan at 100% when load is 1.50 which should be 75% CPU usage on a Dual Core system. I suggest pole time  greater than 250ms and less than or equal to .5s

I could be wrong on this because I did more testing to be sure my conclusions were correct but look:

Mem: 42984K used, 212280K free, 76K shrd, 2120K buff, 12124K cached
CPU:  77% usr  22% sys   0% nic   0% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 10.99 9.55 6.77 12/66 5115
 4639  4461 root     R     1304   1%  10% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4675  4461 root     R     1304   1%  10% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4918  4461 root     R     1304   1%  10% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4967  4461 root     R     1304   1%  10% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 5044  4461 root     R     1304   1%  10% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4593  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4739  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4782  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4968  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4594  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 5045  4461 root     R     1304   1%   8% {maxcpu} /bin/sh ./maxcpu
 4749  4454 root     R     1316   1%   0% top
 4453  1042 root     S     1128   0%   0% /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/dro
 1398     1 root     S     1660   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
 1413     1 root     S     1644   1%   0% /usr/sbin/hostapd -P /var/run/wifi-ph
  945     1 root     S     1444   1%   0% /sbin/rpcd
  979     1 root     S     1420   1%   0% /sbin/netifd
 1081     1 root     S     1420   1%   0% /usr/sbin/uhttpd -f -h /www -r WRT1 -
 4521  4520 root     S     1328   1%   0% -ash
 1015     1 root     S     1316   1%   0% /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input

No lockup occurred! Crap!

root@WRT:~# uptime
 19:38:32 up 61 days, 10:54,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.04
root@WRT:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input
root@WRT:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input
root@WRT:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input
Chadster766 wrote:
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input
root@WRT1:~# cut -c1-2 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input

No lockup occurred! Crap!

I don't think it's CPU temp.  It could be wifi temperature, but I think it is more likely the sirq load which you were pushing during your first top run.  It still smells like the driver to me.  Marvell doesn't appear to have any timeframe on identifying or fixing the issue. 

I have a one-liner in my rc.conf which should reboot the router if it locks, but I've not had a chance to test it since it hasn't locked since I enabled it.  That's my "patch" for now.

What port is eth1 on? (I can't get it to work) no WAN

config switch
    option name 'switch0'
    option reset '1'
    option enable_vlan '1'

config switch_vlan
    option device 'switch0'
    option vlan '1'
    option ports '0 1 2 3 5'

config switch_vlan
    option device 'switch0'
    option vlan '2'
    option ports '4 6'

gufus wrote:

What port is eth1 on? (I can't get it to work) no WAN

eth1 is port 6, and should be connected to port 4 (i.e. WAN) with your config.

What does 'swconfig dev switch0 show' display?  Do you have link on the WAN port?

bmork wrote:
gufus wrote:

What port is eth1 on? (I can't get it to work) no WAN

eth1 is port 6, and should be connected to port 4 (i.e. WAN) with your config.

What does 'swconfig dev switch0 show' display?  Do you have link on the WAN port?

Thanks for the feedback, RC1 sets this with a NEW flash from stock. It will confuse novice users..

IMHO not a good idea.

Does anyone know what css value(s) in cascades.css applies to the html links for the firewall chains, as well as for the few links on the overview and statistics pages? (Specifically the values applying to colors for non-visited, visited, and selected links... they're the only values I can't seem to find.)

(Last edited by JW0914 on 10 Jun 2015, 00:04)

gufus wrote:
bmork wrote:
gufus wrote:

What port is eth1 on? (I can't get it to work) no WAN

eth1 is port 6, and should be connected to port 4 (i.e. WAN) with your config.

What does 'swconfig dev switch0 show' display?  Do you have link on the WAN port?

Thanks for the feedback, RC1 sets this with a NEW flash from stock. It will confuse novice users..

IMHO not a good idea.

It's been that way for months now:

This is the first I've heard of the default switch config causing an issue. It's the same port configuration as what the boot loader sets up but makes it easier to set up VLANs. Without a default config LuCI users don't see the switch.

What I am aware of is that the WAN MAC address is different from stock and OpenWrt (this is my fault) so sometimes you have to reset your WAN/DSL modem or whatever is else plugged into your WAN port.