OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wiki login broken?

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I just registered with I got an email back with a username and password, but logging in isn't working. Is the login system broken in general? Do I have to wait longer before I can log in? What's going on here. (The username btw is ewtoombs, the same as my forum username.)

It would help to know, what exactly is not working or how it is not working.

Successful login seems to lead into a redirecting page that does not forward the user to the actual wiki. Instead the user receives an error.

But going directly to after that shows the user as logged in.

I get a message saying "Sorry, username or password was wrong." I definitely remain not logged in. It isn't just a message.

Looks like I fixed it. There was a password reset feature that I hadn't seen before. I used it. Now, my account is officially online. That redirect issue should still be hunted down and solved, though, even if it isn't critical.

The discussion might have continued from here.