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Topic: [CXX] (...) ccache: FATAL: Could not find compiler "" in PATH

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Is ccache installed on the build system?

jow wrote:

Is ccache installed on the build system?

Yes, with

mkdir -p $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/local
wget ""
dpkg -x *.deb .
export PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/local/usr/bin:$PATH

This appears to work for other packages, e.g., builds correctly

(Last edited by probono on 1 Feb 2015, 19:13)

I'm facing the same problem. Other packages are ok.
It fails when starting to compile alljoyn code.
If i change the alljoyn branch from "barrier_breaker" to "master", the error will disappear, but the "PKG_BASE_VERSION" and "PKG_SOURCE_URL" in the makefile are wrong. So the source code can not be found.
See .
It still got problems after i fixed the version number manually.
How to let it build the master branch?

Hi raidercodebear,
I can see that the commit you linked should solve the issue; however I still get the error.
I am using

echo "src-git alljoyn;barrier_breaker" >> feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a -p alljoyn

When I change "barrier_breaker" to "master", then I get
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

What is wrong? How did you get it to work?

(Last edited by probono on 22 Feb 2015, 13:51)

Get all of them from here.

I was able and did not find any problem to compile alljoyn packages out of the box. Here is the list of steps I took:

  1. Edited my feeds.conf file to include src-git alljoyn https:/ /

  2. Manually download all the source files from here.

  3. Executed scripts/feeds update -a and scripts/feeds install -a -p alljoyn to install the packages.

  4. Ran a make menuconfig to enable all the alljoyn packages.

  5. Executed make package/alljoyn/compile STRIP=true V=s to compile.

In step 2, where do I need to put the downloaded files?

probono wrote:

In step 2, where do I need to put the downloaded files?

Put all your downloaded files into your OpenWRT's download directory. In my case, I have my /opt/openwrt-git-trunk/dl linked to my /opt/download directory. This way, if I happen to execute make distclean, the buildroot will only remove the dl link without erasing all my downloaded file in /opt/download directory. If anyone knows a better approach, I am all ears.

use 2 .config options:


I think you need both for a complete offline build

The discussion might have continued from here.