OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenVPn Issues

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm running OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment using the OpenVPN Package.
Well, i'm trying to connect to a Mikrotik OpenVpn Instance. No Magic, but not working directly. Maybe someone can help me, please?

The Connection is being established, but fails on identifying the encryption alg. OpenVPN seems to choose a BF cipher. Mikrotik Device reports an "unknown alg" and disconnects the peer. With White Russian it would run, but for me, it is too old.

So I chose to give a try to the devel-package. The 2.3.0 Package using OpenSSL seems to run, but unfortunately it does not support loading credential-files.

I have absolutely no experience with building the package on my own (with needed option "allow loading from file").  What would you do?

best regards,


With OpenVPN, the encryption algorithms must match. Try explicitly specifying the same algorithm in your configs at both ends.

Nothing much to say about development packages; only experience I have here is release Attitude Adjustment openvpn with a remote Fritz!Box (using certificates), which works.

Agrajag wrote:

With OpenVPN, the encryption algorithms must match. Try explicitly specifying the same algorithm in your configs at both ends.

Nothing much to say about development packages; only experience I have here is release Attitude Adjustment openvpn with a remote Fritz!Box (using certificates), which works.

HI Agrajag,

Why do you think it must match?
If i run the same config (AES-128-CBC set fixed) on a Windows Machine, it's running fine.
Against another OpenVPN Router running OpenWrt it's running fine, too.
Except for this Mikrotik device, which seems to run an older Version of OVPN, unfortunately, as it seems, without proper support for one major encryption alg.

What i've mentioned before... if i run white russian, it is up and running, as described in the Ticket I#ve linked below.

Thanks in advance,


The discussion might have continued from here.