OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Tenda 3G300M antenna mod

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

srry 4 my english first of all
I se tere are a lot of skild ppl but i couldn't find out how to modd the antenna on my tenda wifi rooter
The problem is that i am not satisfied by the range of the standard build
I did manage to find out that it has 2 internal ceramic antennas but i don't know hot to modd them and if i manage to do that can i build my own antenna or it's better to buy one
the model is this … 2.jpg/sr=1
there is a model that had a external antenna exactli tha same but there are no pictures of the board
the antenna was entering the case in the area were there is one of the ceramic antenna mid bottom

the antenna lucks like this … 120338.jpg

or should i not do anything with it because i will brake it ???

(Last edited by devil on 22 Feb 2013, 19:02)

Hello again
As i can see on this forum
(used google translate in crom)
the tenda w150m and w150m+ is the same as mine, but there is one with internal antenna and one with external
As i see the antenna is conected to board at a place where there is specified "con1 "
if i connect my antenna there will it work, and do i have to interupt the resto of the circuit ?
PunBB bbcode test
Do i have to do the same for bouth antennas ?

or should i doit like on this post
PunBB bbcode test

(Last edited by devil on 23 Feb 2013, 18:28)

The discussion might have continued from here.