OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Alfa AP121U 802.11n AP/Router w/ Hornet-UB board

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there , i've bought Alfa AP121U 802.11n AP/Router w/ Hornet-UB board and yesterday tried to edit file /etc/config/wireless changing "option htmode HT20" to "option htmode HT40+". I did that cause i was having range problems and tried to tweak the wireless config just to see what will happen changing values and channels..Now wireless doesn't work but the strange thing is that ethernet isn't working anymore... I cannot ping the router nor connect via ssh and i don't know how to rollback the changes ... Someone have experienced the same issue?

Thanks , i've already tried failsafe method but none worked..(i don't have the serial kit to flash the Hornet). I've tried do press "reset button" or also "wps button" for almost a minute and more..but can't ping the router

Now i've solved, after several tries got the device reboot holding reset button for 8s..: )

If anyone wants to buy an Alfa AP51 or Alfa AP121U ( has the hackable hornet-ub board) i got them from here

ptrac3 wrote:

Thanks , i've already tried failsafe method but none worked..(i don't have the serial kit to flash the Hornet). I've tried do press "reset button" or also "wps button" for almost a minute and more..but can't ping the router

Please can you backup your U-boot and upload it here? I have modified WR703N (it is AP121) 8M Flash and would like to try it?

Form terminal you can back it up:

dd if=/dev/mtd0 of=/tmp/boot.backup


Any news on this?

The discussion might have continued from here.