OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: openwrt on tenda w302r

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello all,

I just got a tenda w302r, searched a lot but can't find much of anything related to openwrt and this particular model of tenda. I should note that I'm fine bricking it, but if I MUST brick it, I'd like to brick it with the firmware version most likely to work. Hints? Pointers? Although I'm not too comfy opening the device, if it would greatly help, let me know what I should do smile

This page has some specs regarding the w302r … amp;type=1

Appreciate the help!

if you searched and i could'mt fin anything relevant you have to open it up and post the hardware details which would explain why the hardware is not seen in openwrt forums

I found this on dd-wrt which has many screenshots of a tenda device internals (different model, but I would guess they all share the same chipsets, right?)

If that won't do, I can take a shot at opening it. What should I be shooting exactly?

1. the whole PCB
2. make it so, that one can read the imprint on the different chips on it.

there always is the main SoC
often the integrated switch is on a separate chip
sometimes the WNIC/WNICs is/are also on a separate chip


Here are the pics:

1. Main board (front)

2. Main board (back)

3. Chip 1

4. Chip 2

5. Chip 3
(Same numbers on both chips)

6. Chip 4

7. Chip 5


Any help here is much appreciated. Let me know if I can provide any additional information.

the process is a ralink rt2880f  target name is rampis
google with these and see what info you get

hopefully someone with a similar router can help you out

(Last edited by drekthar on 13 Mar 2012, 12:09)

Only found very old threads talking about it. But I've also found this (I believe it's called bleeding edge?)

My question is:

1. Should I be using these images at all? And when does bleeding edge move to stable?
2. Which one of the images should I be trying out?
3. Any other pointers I might need before I begin flashing!


well here goes...

first off
1)no you should not be flashing those image as of now... and if you mean by flashing putting a file in the firmware update in webpage then hell no....
because these image are not specific to your router

2)what you should do know is find out what bootloader your running on this device and attempt to connect to it from there you should start with the images listed in openwrt
start by hooking up a serial console to you router google uart

3)yeah normally the flash rom of a router is divided into partitions. typically the end or last partitions are important as they contain important data related to the router wireless config

what i would like to impress upon you is chances of brick by doing something stupid seems relatively high now as this seems to be undoucumted in openwrt

i would suggest you to read all you can about linux and bootloader (uboot in you case i think don't take my word for it)

The discussion might have continued from here.