OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: howto failover to an UMTS bridged VPN link when wireless is unavailabl

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi folks,

I have a setup where I have 2 sites. The "SERVER-site" is connected to internet (DSL). The "CLIENT-site" is connected with a wireless bridge to the "SERVER-site" using Zyxel hardware. The bandwith between the sites is 15Mbit/s net.
Unfortunately wireless is not known to be very stable. Therefore I have set up a bridge (tap0) on OpenWRT 10.03.1 with 3G UMTS USB stick on Netgear WNDR 3700v2.
That all works well. (Ok, bandwith is just 50% if the 3G link is used, but that is acceptable.)

The question is how do I manage to automatically fail over to UMTS link in case wireless goes down?

Thanks a lot for your help.

thanks for the answer(s)

basically I have seen that before, but it will not help me as both path I form a bridge into the same place. So the arp tables should be identical in any case. Furthermore it is a bit complicated to ifup the 3G interface and get connected to Internet as that requires a manual step of accepting a web page. You get redirected to that https webpage every 1st time you open a 3G connection and you have to klick the accept button to get real internet connection. (that is another struggle I have to fight against later) For the moment I was about to start the 3G connection once in the morning and leave it connected all day long to overcome that accept-issue.

I am wondering of there is no more smart solution than shutting down the interface. If the networks would be different I would use bgp, but as the nature of a bridge is that it all is the same network...

(Last edited by briearn on 2 Jan 2012, 17:49)

You could automate the login phase with a curl request triggered from /etc/hotplug.d/iface/, just an idea.

The discussion might have continued from here.