OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Porting OpenWRT to the Routerboard 100

The content of this topic has been archived between 31 Mar 2018 and 2 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

Is there any way to extract the routeros configuration? I'm able to get several rb133 to play with, but must return them in the same state they're now (they won't be used for some months, but then should be reconnected and go on) and have not the passwords. My idea would be:

- netboot
- copy the routeros and config over the network
- install openwrt
.... (play!)
- netboot
- restore the routeros and config over the network
- return the boxes

Would that be possible? Where is the configuration stored?


A belated thank you!! Works great on rb112, not sure why the standard openwrt http administration isnt installed tho, but I built the kernel myself, maybe I overlooked something

The discussion might have continued from here.