OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Securing adhoc mesh network (openwrt + OLSR)

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I would like to know what kind of solution, you are using to secure an Olsr mesh network.

My network will count about 7 to 10 AP and about 15 PCs running olsr (linux and windows).

Thank you for your suggestions.


im using olsrd with the secure plugin and tinc for data-encryption.

tinc is very easy to configure for a lot of hosts
but now, there is no more space for any other tings.
it runs now about 60 days without restart with 4 APs.

i'd say you should use openvpn as a secure tunnel from the end user to the main internet gateway. running encryption on a wrt54g is too slow.

you will notice that even under no real network load, olsr will take up 30% of its cpu just with control messages.

Jockel wrote:


im using olsrd with the secure plugin and tinc for data-encryption.

tinc is very easy to configure for a lot of hosts
but now, there is no more space for any other tings.
it runs now about 60 days without restart with 4 APs.


How you are using "secure plugin and tinc for data-encryption"?
I'm trying to put VPN between the routers and the clients, is possible to do this?

Could you help me, could give me some ideas?
Or how to configure?


The discussion might have continued from here.