OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help on a certain setup [solved]

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I need help on a certain setup that I just can't wrap my head around.

What I have:

internet > Main router > switch (ethernet) > lan clients (ethernet)

What I want:

internet > Main router > switch (ethernet) > lan clients (ethernet)
                                                  > 2nd (openwrt) router > lan clients (ethernet + wifi)

Main priority on making the 2nd router a wifi acces point with my main router being the dhcp.

So I guess a kind of 2nd pseudo switch, but with wifi capabilities.

If possible using Luci web iface to configure.

(Last edited by liquidrinu on 29 Sep 2017, 13:22)

So what is the problem? Configure DNS of 2nd router as IP of the 1st. But you'll get double nat, I don't know, whether you want it.

You want to configure it as a so called "dumb AP".

* delete wan network interface.  There is only one network in a dumb AP, the lan, which bridges everything together.
* move wan ethernet physical port to lan
* set lan IP to be in the range of your main router but not conflicting with any device
* set dns and gateway to the main router IP
* disable DHCP server both ipv4 and v6
* set up wifi AP, connected to lan conventionally.

Plug any one of the Ethernet ports into your existing LAN switch.  The other Ethernet ports on your router will be bridged into the LAN and you can use them for wired devices as if they were additional switch ports.  The dumb AP setup is completely dumb.  It doesn't translate or filter anything.

(Last edited by mk24 on 27 Sep 2017, 16:05)

Thank you very much.

I actually didn't know this is what they refer to as "dumb AP". I understand the setups, and I understand the guides, but somehow I fumble hard on matching setup to model.

I followed through and got it to work immediately and flawlessly.

Once again thank you!

(Last edited by liquidrinu on 27 Sep 2017, 17:15)

It just creates wifi bridge to local network. So it doesn't play in routing, dhcp, just provides access to network via wireless interface. I didn't understand your question initially, because you wrote dns instead of dhcp.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 28 Sep 2017, 11:44)

ulmwind wrote:

It just creates wifi bridge to local network. So it doesn't play in routing, dhcp, just provides access to network via wireless interface. I didn't understand your question initially, because you wrote dns instead of dhcp.

my apologies for that, I edited it. I make that term mistake often.

(Last edited by liquidrinu on 29 Sep 2017, 13:21)

The discussion might have continued from here.