OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TP link wdr 4300 help

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

i'm trying to flash and having lots of trouble. i initially flash with latest firmware
and on boot dhcp wouldn't assign me an ip address and setting a static ip didn't work either (couldn't ping gateway for example).

so i decided to recover using tftp. i setup tftpd (linux) and seemingly the router would GET the entire recovery firmware but all i get is all the indicators flashing (which apparently indicates the router has no firmware). i've tried restoring the stock firmware, i've tried LEDE, older releases of openwrt and still nothing.

also yes i've snipped out the trouble sectors in the beginnings of "boot" firmwares.

any ideas?


ulmwind wrote:

Have you tried de-brick?

yes i tried tftp flashing. none of the firmwares have been able to restore it.

Serial should show why it is not booting, and let you manually load and flash.  Since it is still trying to TFTP, the bootloader seems to be intact.

The discussion might have continued from here.