OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: openwrt on hootoo nano 02 issue(s)

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'\ve purchased it to add an external hdd to the network and make it a NAS.
Unfortunately, their software is SH!t.
Looked for an alternative and found openwrt.
I must say that I don't have 'mount points' by default.
And it didn't update the opkg by default. Had to do a system upgrade.
Now, I see that there is a problem with NTFS, so I am trying to install exfat which is not installed by default in its build.
When I try to install it local from opkg install /tmp/exfatname.ipk it still downloads the old version for the older kernel.
I tried ti change the name in config, but don't know how to change it so it will accept it as source.
Do you guys know any solution to this?
I just want to add the NTFS (that I will backup, format as ExFat and transfer the data back to) external hdd and access it from the network. IF possible from outside the network, it would be great!

This hardware was well known when CC came out, it should suit your purposes to use Chaos Calmer.  Using a release build will download matching versions.

Yeah. Kinda brickrd it then made it work only with cli. Thrn got it back. Installed ntfs support, fu..k exfat. Case closed. Thanks

The discussion might have continued from here.