OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [SOLVED] Self-assigned IPv6 ULA IP always ends in ::1 causing conflict

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm starting to learn IPv6 and finding the support in trunk very helpful.

I've set the ULA prefix and this gets correctly pushed around my LAN, with each machine basically appending its MAC address onto the ULA prefix to get its own IPv6 address (along with a global one also pushed through from my ISP, so each machine has three IPv6 addresses including the link-local one.)

However the OpenWRT device itself does not do this, and always chooses an IP starting with the prefix and ending with ::1.  Since I have two OpenWRT devices in the LAN, they both try to claim ULA::1 and then neither work.

I can't see where to change the IPv6 address that OpenWRT assigns itself, nor if there is an option to use the MAC address instead of a 1.

Does anyone know if there is an option to do this?

(Last edited by Malvineous on 18 Mar 2017, 16:29)

Thanks AndreL, that worked perfectly!  It looks like the option can only be used when your interface is set to a static IP, but luckily mine was, so I set "option ip6ifaceid 'eui64'" and it came out with the intended prefix::mac IP address.

Weirdly LUCI still shows the old prefix::1 address, but "ip addr show" displays the new one and prefix::1 is nowhere to be seen.  I guess it will sort itself out eventually.

Many thanks!

The discussion might have continued from here.