OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help : Repeater not working

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

what am i doing wrong ?

I will like to prolong my wifi signal.


My FTTH ( fiber to the home) router ( No #1 )
Ip :
Channel: 1
SSID : Poppe
Encryption: WPA2 AES
Key : **********

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another Router ( Router No#2 )
Wan Connection Type : disable
dhcp: disable

- Wireless
Wireless Mode : repeater
ssid : Poppe
Network Configuration : Bridged

Virtual Interfaces

-Wireless Security
Security Mode : Wpa2 per " AES "
key : ****** the same as my fttp router

I think you should be more explicit about your configuration if you pretend to gather any help...

Making a routed client, which is what the ddwrt tutorial was about, is the simplest way to do this.  The down side is that it doesn't truly bridge to any LAN devices that may be connected to the other router.   This is not important for many users, in fact it may not even be desired-- for example if the other router belongs to a neighbor (connecting with their permission of course).  Basically you are going to replace the typical ethernet connection to a modem with a wifi connection to an existing access point.  Your LAN works internally the same as if you had your own connection.  It only use the wifi link to access the Internet.

Start at default configuration.
Set your router's LAN address to  You have said the other router is and you need to be in a completely separate range for this to work.  If you know the other router is not using 192.168.1.X you can skip this step.
Disconnect and reconnect the ethernet cable so your PC picks up the 192.168.2.X address, put in your browser and log into your OpenWrt router again.
Go to Network -- Wireless and click Add.  Set the new interface as a Client.  Enter the SSID and security settings to match the other router.  Select wan as the network.
Go to Network -- Interfaces -- edit wan -- Physical Settings and uncheck Bridge.  The wifi client must be the only device in wan.
Go to the main status page and confirm you have an IPv4 wan connection.  You should now be connected to the Internet.

(Last edited by mk24 on 9 Mar 2017, 16:37)

The discussion might have continued from here.