OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: german subsection?

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


is it possible to create a german subsection in this forum?


What's the reason ?


I think there are some people, who want to discuss about OpenWRT and their english is not soo good.

In the last months I saw two threads with german people, who used some translations website or posted in german, hoping some german member will help him.

Und da du aus Deutschland kommst, hier die deutschsprachige Antwort.

Es gibt kein deutschsprachiges Openwrt-Forum  und ich glaube, es gibt bestimmt Einige die gerne mehr über OpenWrt erfahren wollen bzw. dazu Fragen haben, aber mit dem Schreiben von englischen Texten so ihre Probleme haben.


(Last edited by rj-45 on 23 Feb 2017, 20:04)

rj-45 wrote:

I think there are some people, who want to discuss about OpenWRT and their english is not soo good.

Then they should improve their english. Or get a babelfish.

tmo26 wrote:
rj-45 wrote:

I think there are some people, who want to discuss about OpenWRT and their english is not soo good.

Then they should improve their english. Or get a babelfish.

For shure :-)

(Last edited by augustus_meyer on 23 Feb 2017, 22:14)

Hmm, nen Versuch war es wert.

Ist ja auch nicht schlecht, wenn man gleich zweimal neue Dinge lernen muß, erst Englisch und dann noch die Bedienung von OpenWrt ...


When writing in english, you reach a much wider audience, therefore chances of getting quick answers are higher. And if you found a solution, more users can benefit from it.
Besides that, most documentation or other forums are in english.

Even if your english is bad, give it a try. Most probably you won't be stoned to death. ;-)

The discussion might have continued from here.