Hi everyone!
I have a brand new wr841n and I want to show a splash screen to users on the wifi network. After a lot of reserch I found OpenWRT and NoDogSplash and WifiDog, but I had no luck setting them up.

First, I tried trunk image. After installing it, I tried to install Luci and NoDogSplash but I had no space left on the device.

So I kept looking in the forum and I found mani different images, specially one by Borromini. But I have the same issue with all of them. After insalling and having plenty of space to do my stuff, when I try to install NoDogSplash I get an error saying "Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for nodogsplash: * kernel"

I'm downloading VirtualBox right now so I can try to make my own image (I have no idea how to do it yet). In the meantime, do you have any advice? Is there anything else I can try to do? Do you recommend me any particular image I can test?

I don't want to buy a new router, but... should I? In case none of this work, which is the smallest cheapest router I can buy to set up this splash screen?

Thanks in advance!