OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Port is open Transmission STILL showing it's closed.

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

In advance I am apologising because of lack of proper skills.

When I can I always trying to read and learn. I managed to open needed port to use with Transmission but I still having problem.

Accorsding to port I am using with transmission-daemon is open and tracker I use when I do connection check it's showing connection successful, that means port is open. But still having problem, let me explain.

First, when I use uTorrent on Windows PC torrent from specific tracker goes on download right away, once torrent is complete it's starting to upload right away. Same torrent, same tracker, same file on transmission ... no movement at all. It's showing indeed connected to tracker BUT no download. So even If I download data in Windows , move it to transmission, after verification is complete and transmission start to seed , nothing is happening. On Windows uTorrent upload right away I see people downloading off me.

And Main point when I do transmission-remote -pt (Port Check) it's showing NO. So as far as transmission concerned port is closed.

I am stuck and don't know what to do, can anyone help me ? Port I am trying to open is 51401, like I said before showing it's open transmission saying it's closed .....

root@WRT1900AC:~# transmission-remote -pt
Port is open: No

Thank you guys ! I really appreciate all help, if you need any info from my configuration let me know I''ll provide whatever you need.

My guess would be that you did not configure port forward manually.

So when uTorrent starts on your Windows PC it makes port forward reservation (opens a port) via UPnP. AFAIK the UPnP reservation lasts for a while, even after you quit uTorrent on your Windows PC, that's why transmission-daemon complains that the port is closed -- it can't claim the same port as the router knows it's been reserved by your Windows PC.

I suggest you don't use the same port for different devices (Windows PC and router).

Ports on uTorrent and Transmission are different, Did I mention I use same Port on both programs ? If I did this is wrong I use 51400 and 51401

Are you setting port forwarding manually or are you relying on UPnP?

(Last edited by stangri on 16 Feb 2016, 06:26)

Both, I tried manually (I managed to get PORT OPEN on all online checkers) yet transmission showing port closed. I also installed miniupnpd , nothing happened.

If possible can you please let me know how to open port 51400 , whatever way possible

With UPnP it should work automagically, at least it does work for me, although I don't have transmission-daemon running on the router, I have it on another Linux machine.

With miniupnpd and luci-app-upnp installed you should be able to see active UPnP redirects with Luci.

Maybe it's an issue with transmission-daemon config?

The discussion might have continued from here.