OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Minidlna

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm using the Chaos Calmer 15:05-rc3 and I'm installing MiniDLNA 1.1.4 whenever I restart the router it creates a new database of my files at boot time.

It is possible to disable boot scanning so that it maintains a database that was previously saved?

Not fully convinced if that was a good approach, but I kept my files.db on an external usb storage medium, which avoided the repeated creation of that file. Additionally, I had over 10,000 mp3 files ready to go, so the initial build-up of the data base took hours, a fact that I regarded intolerable in the long run. That's why I installed minidlna on a computer with much better hardware resources and let that machine do the trick. This meant having to configure the paths properly, but it did work...the database was originated in minutes that way.

Can someone please explain the mechanics of use. 

I plan to put this on a travel router with a 32 GB USB flash drive that may or may not be attached.  I see a couple of you tube videos that show a web page with audio, video and pictures and a quantity of files.  The video then goes to Windows Media Player and shows how the Audio can be found.

I would like to be able to go to the webpage and access the media from there.  For example, can I double click on videos and get a list of the videos, then select one and have it play in the default player (probably VLC)?

There is not much I can find on the actual interaction with the content.

The discussion might have continued from here.