OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Bug in tl-wr710n-v2 images

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello everybody,

I've noticed a bug in the images built for the tp link wr710n 2.0 (at least the eu model). The images (trunk and cc rc2) are built for the hardware ID 07100001 this is the version of the 1.x hardware. (EU) Version 2.0 is 07100002.


a "plain" compilation, just running make menuconfig and then make, works on 710N v2. Maybe you are referring to TPLINK_HWID here? (it should be 0x07100002)

define Device/tl-wr710n-v2
    TPLINK_HWID := 0x07100001
    CONSOLE := ttyATH0,115200

By the way, I noted that adding some packages in make menuconfig the image for v2 is not created! I'm still indagating the reason.

The discussion might have continued from here.