OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: toolchain for mips 24kc vs 34kc

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Is there a difference between 24Kc and 34Kc for the purpose of cross-compiling for the DIR-505?  Can I safely use the mips 34k toolchain on my system or would I run into subtle bugs?

I build a buildroot toolchain that seems to be for the mips 34kc:

I used it to cross-compile a simple C program and it ran on the DIR-505.

But the DIR-505 has MIPS 24Kc CPU

Should I have built a different toolchain?
If there is no difference, why is it called mips_34kc?

i've recently ran into this patch … 02336.html that should simplify building for multiple targets

if changed ar71xx cpu type from 34kc to 24kc would it still use 24kec+dsp that is being built for ramips targets or it would build another 24kc toolchain?

The discussion might have continued from here.