OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Chaos Calmer r44070 - Session Timeout config

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

When I go to commit changes, if it has been more than about 5 minutes I have to log in again (luci).   

Is there a way to change this in config?  It's a tough subject to search based on the commonality of the keywords.

Also, when one does get logged out, completing the login (cgi-bin/luci) should bring the user to the page the user was last on, instead of the overview page, and complete the action at the time the credentials were requested.

Inside file /etc/config/luci
in config internal 'sauth'
at option sessiontime '3600'
modify the 3600 (seconds) to a value you like.
!!! do not remove the single quotes !!!

Thanks, found it.  It was set for 3600 which should be 60 minutes.  It is not taking that long to time out. 

I also notice that if I have 2 windows open that I can log into one and still need to log in to the second .

I have changed it to another value, and see if it performs any different.


Still having the issue. 
Changed the value to 21600 and rebooted.

The discussion might have continued from here.