OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: How do I upgrade my TP-Link Archer C5 back to stock firmware?

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I could not figure out how I could strip part of the stock .bin firmware in order for me to restore my router back to stock.
Help please!

On a computer running windows 7.

(Last edited by valorzeroadvent on 6 Nov 2014, 08:22)

I've removed bootloader from the latest TP-LINK firmware (9/12/2014) and uploaded for you. Just flash it via webgui.
Warning: Not tested. Flash at your own risk


You can also upload the Firmware WITHOUT THE BOOTLOADER (named tplink.bin) using WinSCP in /tmp folder of the Router and then connect with Putty via SSH and give the commands:

cd /tmp  (hit ENTER)
mtd -r write /tmp/tplink.bin firmware (hit ENTER)

Wait until Router reboots by himself (be patient) and you are back on original.

I am in the same situation with TP-Link Archer c7 ver 2.0. Need the modified file to restore the original tp-link firmware. If someone can help, I will highly appreciate it. Thanks.

Hello gibbs223

If you can wait a little bit more i Will make one for you. I am on the way home,later when I arrive I will make the firmware.

Dear omiez, I am much obliged. Thank you very much.

gibbs223 wrote:

Dear omiez, I am much obliged. Thank you very much.

Hello gibbs223

Here is your firmware ready to be flashed using the same method as mentioned here in this thread.

Unzip the file and rename it to: tplink.bin

Upload the Firmware (named tplink.bin) using WinSCP in /tmp folder of the Router and then connect with Putty via SSH and give the commands:

cd /tmp  (hit ENTER)
mtd -r write /tmp/tplink.bin firmware (hit ENTER)

Wait until Router reboots by himself (be patient) and you are back on original.

Here is the Download Link: …

Dear omiez, The firmware works perfectly and my router is back to stock original. You are very generous with your help.
Thank you very much.
BTW: For me, the web UI worked fine. I was getting ready to start reading up in order to follow your method but thought that I will give the web UI a shot first and it worked. Thanks.

I am glad that it worked.

Good to know that flash via webUi works fine too.

farrukh wrote:

I've removed bootloader from the latest TP-LINK firmware (9/12/2014) and uploaded for you. Just flash it via webgui.
Warning: Not tested. Flash at your own risk


I flashed your bootless firmware from the GUI of openwrt, and it's worked ! Thanks a lot !

I have a C5 V1.20


I can't download ArcherC5v1_en_3_14_1_up_without_boot(140912).zip from .
Please upload it again on different site.

Can someone please provide me with a new link for this firmware?

Seriously guys... First link:

(Last edited by stangri on 12 Jul 2016, 04:34)

The discussion might have continued from here.