OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Files and install instructions for HooToo HT-TM02 and HT-TM04(RT5350)

The content of this topic has been archived between 29 Mar 2018 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

Preluder wrote:

can someone help me with reverting the stock firmware back on the TM02?  I have all the files from the USB drive. Thanks

I've tried to write the instructions here twice and the forum keeps logging me before I finish and I loose all my work so I'll compose offline and then cut and past. In the meantime I'll leave you with some pointers though....

1. Connect to the serial console
2. Setup a TFTP server (lots of instructions around on how to do that)
3. Using uboot and your TFTP server, reprogram the "u-boot" partition with "Bootloader.bin"
4. Reboot into the original factory uboot and using that program the "ALL" partition with "ALL.bin".
5. Reboot - you are done

BTW, it can also be done from the ash command line but it's a bit more complicated. In short you'd need to do this:

1. Shutdown the squashFS and run out of a ramdisk
2. Using mtd write "Bootloader.bin" to the u-boot MTD partition
3. Concantenate Kernel_RootFS.bin + params.bin + user_backup.bin + user.bin + Rootfs.bin into one file using cat
4. Useing mtd write that file to the firmware MTD partition
5. Reboot

Ideally, someone could write a short script to do the above but my time is tight and I don't have time to write it or test it at the moment. I strongly recommend that if one just wants to experiment with OpenWRT that they use a platform that can easily be switched back and forth like RPi or beagle black (I prefer the latter).

Hope this helps

(Last edited by wingspinner on 31 Oct 2014, 23:58)


Is it possible to have the USB port on the TM02 create an IP and port address for a WebCamera?

I tried connecting a simple USB 2.0 web camera to the Nano TM02 USB port but it's not recognized as the Flash or Hard Drives are.

Is this because there's no generic Camera Driver in the original Firmware?

Same thing for USB printers.

----edited---- added this ...

I think I have your new BootLoader in the HooToo, with Drive activity, but nothing else.

I originally flashed it with
but I didn't realize it was just 3.5 Megs in size, and the TM02 didn't work when powering it on.

I noticed the TM02 is making the two LEDs light-up when it's powered ON
(as you said your new Booter does)
They stay on for around 12 or so seconds, turn off, then the Flash Drive activity LED comes on three different times, blinking for varying timings of each activity.

Does this mean your boot sequence is trying to load a file from the Flash Drive?

If so, where should it be, and what file is it looking for?


(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 5 May 2015, 11:53)


Yes, usb webcam works great iIt you load all the right modules and packages. You need V4L stuff and the webcam streamer package. As far as the other issue you describe Its hard to say but it sounds like you ventured into the unknown and clobbered the bootloader. Yes you can flash the "factory" image using the boot loader or mtd_write if you flash it to the "firmware" partition. It's only 3.5mb because it's not the entire flash - just the firmware partition. If you've overwritten the boot loader the only way to fix that is to remove the flash chip and put the  bootloader back in with an external programmer. Led's staying on for a few seconds indicated the bootloader may still be there. In that cas you must hook up a serial console and use the bootloader to load the factory image into the correct partition. Programming the flash on any of these devices is an area on should tread carefully and only proceed if you are sure you have everything write because the consequences are difficult as you may have found.


Everything you need is in this thread, on my github site or in the OpenWrT wiki. Hence the thread name "Files and install instructions for HooToo HT-TM02 (RT5350)". The bootloader is the standard uboot and there are lots of instructions in the Wiki (some related to other devices) but it's self explanatory. Use Google. If you check the first two posts of this thread carefully it refers you to my github site for photos showing where the serial port connections are and also tells you they are marked on the board.


Thanks smile  I'll first build the circuit, to connect the TM02 to my PC serial port from that schematic, and see if that much works.

Are the other files for a webCam included in your packages too...?

"... You need V4L stuff and the webcam streamer package. ..."

I would think they need to be specific to this chip, right?

HooTooJunkie wrote:

Thanks smile  I'll first build the circuit, to connect the TM02 to my PC serial port from that schematic, and see if that much works.

Are the other files for a webCam included in your packages too...?

"... You need V4L stuff and the webcam streamer package. ..."

I would think they need to be specific to this chip, right?

Yes, your schematic looks fine you can buy one ready-made for $15-$20. The adapters sold for the Beagle board or  RaspberryPi work fine although I prefer the adapters that use the FTDI chip because the drivers aren't so fussy as the others. Here are some sources: … ug_Cables.

In my experience, if one is planning on doing anything more than a one-time installation you'll eventually need to use the serial console port to recover a board so it's a good idea to have both a 5v and a 3v compatible adapter on hand. It also makes it a lot easier to setup a new install since you can configure the OS even if your network interface isn't up yet.

If you use a "UVC" compatible camera (they usually will be specified as compatible with Linux) you'll need to install the following packages:

- fswebcam
- kmod-video-core
- kmod-video-videobuf2

I've also had a USB camera working with mjpg-streamer package but fswebcam worked with no configuration whatsoever - just installed it and it worked.

If you really want to have fun I suggest you setup the OpenWRT buildroot then you can configure the firmware any way you want without having to load packages at run-time. That's were the fun really begins in my opinion!

Have fun!


RT5350 is hardware and will support pretty much everything if you have a bootload and OS software to do it. RT5350 is hardware - needs software to do anything. I don't believe that the standard uboot (either the original HooToo supplied or the bare-bones version I got from the RT5350 developers kit) has usb boot support built in. In fact, I'm pretty sure they don't. You'd have to build a uboot with that compiled in.

Anyway, if you clobber uboot on the built-in flash you won't be doing any of those things anyway. However, with your description of the LED behavior I believe your install may be working just fine but you haven't configure the networking yet and, as a result, you can't talk to it.

Also, the "driver" I'm talking about is for the PC/Linux machine. Anyway, good luck with your experiments.


HooTooJunkie wrote:

Oh..I searched on google for info of fswebcam and found it's been discontinued.
There were too many problems with it and the developer stopped it.
(At least that's what I gathered from viewing the web info about it)
Unless someone else took-on the coding, but I couldn't find any valid file download of it, without taking the chance of getting a virus-packed copy of it.


Well, again, you need to start using the OpenWrt wiki more and less misc offsite google searches. Works fine and it's a standard package for OpenWRT

Again, good luck.

Do you know if this will work with the tm03? They seem to be running similar hardware, I can crack mine open if I need to.

Just wanted to add my thanks. I flashed with your factory image, updated to the latest trunk snapshot, and installed openvpn. This will be great for traveling!

Just one question - can you trigger the failsafe via the mode switch or the reset button? I was a bit worried about breaking the network configuration when I was setting it up.

clicq wrote:

Just wanted to add my thanks. I flashed with your factory image, updated to the latest trunk snapshot, and installed openvpn. This will be great for traveling!

Just one question - can you trigger the failsafe via the mode switch or the reset button? I was a bit worried about breaking the network configuration when I was setting it up.

The falisafe module isn't part of the build. early on I had a problem with (or I thought it was related to failsafe) and I took it out and never bothered to go back and put it back in and test. Perhaps I'll get around to that at some point or perhaps someone else will.

At the moment I'm working on a smaller, faster version of Samba since the current release that's in the repository is bit, slow, and buggy and just about useless for my needs. I'm also working on adding a larger flash device - 16mb. Can't increase the SDRAM size though because the SOC is designed such that it requires two paged mode SDRAM devices and the second chip select is not routed on the PCB.. It will not accept simply exchanging out the SDRAM device for a larger.


I purchased the Adafruit USB to Serial cable
(Loaded the Prolific driver for Win8.1)
I checked my wires...for conductivity...and all are well connected, but I'm not sure if I'm connected properly, TX and RX to the TM02

I open the Telnet window on my PC (Windows 8.1) and type ...
o com3
...because that's the port the cable created, but it says it can't open the com3 on port 23

Can you give me a slight hint...what's the command to connect to the TM02's serial console?

Or can you post a link to the page that can tell me?

Should the TM02 respond with some message when it's finally connected to my telnet on the PC?

Telnet won't work because it's just a raw asynchronous serial interface. If you are using windows you'll want to use putty. Plenty of instructions on the wiki on how to do this. Check out the TP-Link mc3020 or the 703n. They all use uboot and work the same way.

OK, I've got Putty installed.
I see activity on the putty terminal when the TM02 is booted (I'm using a fresh un modded one to test this)

All the text is gibberish.
The cables White wire (RX) goes to the TX on the TM02 ,
and cable Green (TX) goes to RX on the TM02
I hope that's correct with the cable naming.

Settings on the Putty are Serial - COM3 - 115200 - 8, N, 1, no flow control

I also tried reversing the cable wires, but no activity showed that way.

57600 speed worked...I can see the proper text now.

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 25 Nov 2014, 10:28)

I was able to get into the new LuCi Console on the TM02

It was working nicely until I must have switched off the Ethernet AND the WiFi links by mistake,  and now I'm not able to connect to either thru

I'm sure there's a way to reset the environment for those two settings thru the serial Console, but I can't find the info on that....and I've looked...and looked...and looked.

The serial console still works.

I know how to get into the separate sections by not fully booting, and pressing the #4 at one point to get to another console, and pressing the ENTER key later-on to get into yet another sub-console, but, again, I can't find a clear definition of what command to use, and what sub-console to use it in.

So if anyone out-there has this info, and likes to share... I'm all ears..!

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 27 Nov 2014, 09:26)

I issued a firstboot command and it reset the settings.
I'm back into luCi

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 27 Nov 2014, 10:38)

I'm new to OpenWRT. I've flashed OpenWRT onto the HT-TM02, then used sysupgrade with the trunk image. It seems to have worked perfectly well, but as it stated it would on the wiki, the packages are gone, including LUCI. How would I go about connecting this thing to my main router and accessing the internet, so I can download from opkg?

(Last edited by impatiens on 29 Nov 2014, 03:36)

Hi everybody!

First of all, I would like to congratulate wingspinner for his incredible efforts to bring OpenWRT support to this device. Your work is awesome!!

I bought a HT-TM01 unit in a black friday offer and I would like to ask if someone has been brave enough to try the HT-TM02 OpenWRT image with HT-TM01... As they are very similar in hardware, it could work (or maybe wingspinner knows of any major incompatibility...)

I would try it myself, but I'm afraid of bricking the device, and I'm having little spare time lately to mess with serial connection and recoveries... sad

Is there anyone who has tried it?


wingspinner thanks for this I am going to order one and try it.

Any new update from anyone on getting the HooToo TripMate HT-TM01 Wireless N150 8M flash/32M RAM working at all?

I noticed wingspinner asked on there about it

Wingspinner if possible do you have pictures or a video of how you did it he "hard way"
"The hard way to do this is to solder a 3v USB<->Serial cable to the board, setup a tftp server and replace it using tftp, then reboot and us that to burn the OpenWRT sysupgrade image to the correct MTD partition using tftp. That's how I did it the first time."

--- I did this myself with the one above and made some progress (luckily) but eventually my poor soldering skills caught up with me, it would of been great to have a video or pictures on how to do this. -- anyway kind of random request

Has anyone else noticed USB not working with the trunk image (as of 12/17/14) ?  I had to install kmod-usb2 which was not in the trunk build.  Also kmod-usb-dwc2 doesn't seem to do anything on this hardware and can be left out.  In order to connect a USB1 speed device directly to the USB port, kmod-usb-ohci must be installed.  USB1 devices can be used through an external USB2 hub with kmod-usb2.

The unit I have has a v3 version of the 5350 chip.  Apparently there are some changes in the USB section from the v2 chip.

(Last edited by mk24 on 21 Dec 2014, 21:57)

I'm comparing it to an Encore ENHWI-3GN3 which is some sort of Senao generic board.  That one is running BB 14.07, a custom build just so I could fit what I needed into the 4MB flash.

/proc/cpuinfo Seano:

system type        : Ralink RT3350 id:1 rev:2
machine            : WR512-3GN-like router
processor        : 0
cpu model        : MIPS 24KEc V4.12
BogoMIPS        : 212.58
wait instruction    : yes
microsecond timers    : yes
tlb_entries        : 32
extra interrupt vector    : yes
hardware watchpoint    : yes, count: 4, address/irw mask: [0x0000, 0x03e8, 0x0048, 0x02f0]
isa            : mips1 mips2 mips32r1 mips32r2
ASEs implemented    : mips16 dsp
shadow register sets    : 1
kscratch registers    : 0
core            : 0
VCED exceptions        : not available
VCEI exceptions        : not available

/proc/cpuinfo HooToo:

root@OpenWrt_Hoo_Too:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type        : Ralink RT5350 id:1 rev:3
machine            : HOOTOO HT-TM02
processor        : 0
cpu model        : MIPS 24KEc V4.12
BogoMIPS        : 479.23
wait instruction    : yes
microsecond timers    : yes
tlb_entries        : 32
extra interrupt vector    : yes
hardware watchpoint    : yes, count: 4, address/irw mask: [0x0ffc, 0x0ffc, 0x0ffb, 0x0ffb]
isa            : mips1 mips2 mips32r1 mips32r2
ASEs implemented    : mips16 dsp
shadow register sets    : 1
kscratch registers    : 0
core            : 0
VCED exceptions        : not available
VCEI exceptions        : not available

The Senao clocks the CPU at 320 MHz and the HooToo at 360.  Notice the much higher BogoMIPS on the HooToo which is not merely proportional to the higher clock.
I'm interested in trying to overclock the HooToo since it seems to not have quite enough CPU to run baresip, which is what I bought it for.

How do I set up USB files read only to guest users in HooToo HT-TM02

Thank you, @wingspinner, for the great work! I love the pain-free install process via the factory image. Sweet!

I just ran into a little snag during the configuration (I've been using LuCI, but I do know my way around the shell a bit as well):

- I set the green LED to show LAN activity, set the IP address of the LAN interface to static and turned off DHCP for the interface. Reboot. Everything still works great and the device is reachable via the new IP as expected.

- I disabled the WiFi interface and unchecked "bring up interface on boot" for it. Reboot. And the device doesn't answer on the static IP on the LAN interface any more!?!?


- Both LEDs come on and turn off during the initial boot as usual.

- The blue WiFi LED stays off (as expected).

- The green LAN LED comes on and even blinks a bit (probably other traffic on the network), which looks to me like the device is still booting to the point where it brings up the LAN fully.

Is there some step in the boot process after the LAN interface is turned on that fails if the WiFi interface is missing? I noticed a br-0 interface in the configuration, but didn't look at it any closer. Is this bridge trying to span the WiFi as well and then fails to initialize (and thus set the IP) if WiFi is unavailable? Is there a chance that the LAN interface is brought up in some default configuration instead that I might be able to use to fix things? Or will I have to crack the device open and hook into the serial interface?

@wingspinner, how difficult would it be to get the failsafe mode working in your patch? Is this something I could help with if you give me some quick pointers (I have quite a bit of coding experience, albeit not too much embedded stuff) or would it be more involved? I (and probably others, too) would feel a lot safer playing around with the configuration if I could always just do a "factory reset" (firstboot) easily if something gets screwed up.

Thanks again for all your work! Most appreciated!

(Last edited by Markus on 26 Dec 2014, 10:29)

Thanks to wingspinner for all the good work!
I built a new image from the trunk, and it actually has failsafe mode. You can enter failsafe mode via the serial console when prompted, or just pressing the reset key after the prompt.

Mine has been acting flaky. I loaded my own image into it, and the next day, my image got erased, and it was just stuck in the u-boot menu. However, I was able to use tftp to load a new image via u-boot. Actually, I also found that with wingspinner's u-boot, if you press the reset button while powering it up, it automatically boots up with IP, and expects a tftp server at If you put a file named Kernal.bin into your tftp server, it will flash it in for you. That's how I upgraded the firmware without even logging in.

But now, I have a different problem. When I edit the files in /etc/config with the firmware image that I compiled myself from the trunk, my files all get lost every time I reboot. It's as if it runs firstboot every time you reboot. Is anyone else seeing this problem,and how to I fix it?