OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Start with OpenWRT

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

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Makes a littel more sense, than the Wiki, that actually have the description, scattered around.
Also ends up the same place...

Woring in Ubuntu 14.10
Trying to use 14.07 (router is TL-WR841v9) so:
git clone git://

After "make prereq" I get these errors:

Build dependency: Please install ncurses. (Missing or ncurses.h)
Build dependency: Please install zlib. (Missing or zlib.h)
Build dependency: Please install GNU awk.

/home/birger/TL-WR841v9/openwrt/include/ recipe for target 'prereq' failed
Prerequisite check failed. Use FORCE=1 to override.
/home/birger/TL-WR841v9/openwrt/include/ recipe for target 'tmp/.prereq-build' failed
make: *** [tmp/.prereq-build] Error 1

And nowhere is a description of what to do about it.

So how do I proceed?

apt-get install libncurses-dev zlib1g-dev gawk

Thx - that took care of that.

wink Thx- I'm a beginner with OpenWrt as well as linux, so just trying to get to understand som of what is going on...

Succeeded making some files - but have no idea what the opitins in the makemenu are all about.
It doesnt seem to save config files either - no files with the name I gave exists...
I'm pretty sure I selected the TL-WR841N - but the files are apparenly for 801nand...

So guess I still have some studing to do...

It would make more sense to fix the error at the source rather than here...

Have you tried to contact the author directly?


tmo26 wrote:

It would make more sense to fix the error at the source rather than here...

Have you tried to contact the author directly?


As the author of the webpage is also the starter of this thread, I guess he will get informed by mail thanks to my update.

The discussion might have continued from here.