OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Wondermedia WM8505

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I tore aparte a little pc that was not working(had wince on it and stuck at startup) and found the "motherboard" had the classical debug connection so i connected it to putty and found it has this little SoC pcb with wm8505 soc,16M flash, 128M ram and 1G disk flash.
this little pcb is soldered on the tiny MB with all the periferals like usb2 audio, eth, sd etc.
i made a little research but i can't find nothing useful, i would like to put openwrt on it but i don't have idea on how to do it.
looks like this processor is vt8500 compatible, a sort of ARM...

i would like to install the x86 but don't know if it's compatible (run wince on it)

Btw i made a log of u-boot:

at the end stuck (when there was still a screen there was the wince boot screen like the winxp one)

is there any chance to get openwrt on it?
another question, can i install it with no screen?

I have to admit i'm a total newbie and don't have idea what to do xD

The discussion might have continued from here.