OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Please advise on how to get OpenWrt off router

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I can't get OpenWrt to work. Can someone please help me reinstall the Netgear firmware? The gui reflash isn't working. It keeps saying that the format is not correct.

Really would appreciate some help.

(Last edited by quantof on 24 Apr 2014, 18:00)

Can some please help me. I'm really hating this openwrt.

It will not work, and everything I try to remove it will not work. I have read and reread the wiki and all documentation.

I do not understand why WAN is not connecting. TFTP will not work to flash the netgear firmware back onto the router.

I'd appreciate anyone's help so much.

(Last edited by quantof on 29 Apr 2014, 00:40)

On post 2 they asked you this
Just saying "Netgear" provides no clues
And you have not provide info model, version what you flashed AA Trunk BB
After flash wifi is disable did you enable it

The discussion might have continued from here.