I modified nbd's qosfw-scripts v0.5 to allow loopback connections as discussed at http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=4030
If you can, pls check this for bugs/posible improvements and then I wll put it on the wiki

This file replaces /usr/lib/qosfw/firewall.awk

        print "proto=\"$(nvram get wan_proto)\""
        print "[ -z \"$proto\" -o \"$proto\" = \"none\" ] && exit"
        print "ifname=\"$(nvram get wan_ifname)\""
        print "[ -z \"$ifname\" ] && exit"
        print "ifconfig \"$ifname\" 2>&- >&- || exit"
        print ""
        print "iptables -X input_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print "iptables -N input_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print "iptables -X forward_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print "iptables -N forward_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print "iptables -t nat -X prerouting_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print "iptables -t nat -N prerouting_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
        print ""
        print "iptables -I input_rule 1 -i \"$ifname\" -j input_$ifname"
        print "iptables -I forwarding_rule 1 -i \"$ifname\" -j forward_$ifname"
        print "iptables -t nat -I prerouting_rule 1 -i \"$ifname\" -j prerouting_$ifname"
        print ""

($1 == "accept") {
        target = " -j ACCEPT"
        print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" str2ipt($2) target
        print "iptables        -A input_$ifname     " str2ipt($2) target
        print ""

($1 == "drop") {
        print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" str2ipt($2) " -j DROP"
        print ""

($1 == "forward") {
        target=" -j DNAT --to " $3
        if ($4 != "") {
                if ((_l["proto"] == "tcp") || (_l["proto"] == "udp")) {
                        fwopts = " -p " _l["proto"] " --dport " $4
                        target = target ":" $4
                else fwopts=""
        #added until "#commented out 2 lines"
        #make debugging = 1 to print the commands it is running
        print "WAN_IP=\"$(nvram get wan_ipaddr)\""
        debugging = 0
        printvar = "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -d $WAN_IP" str2ipt($2) target
        print printvar
        if (debugging == "1") print "echo \"" printvar "\""
        printvar = "iptables        -A forwarding_rule -d " $3 fwopts " -j ACCEPT"
        print printvar
        if (debugging == "1") print "echo \"" printvar "\""
        printvar = "iptables -t nat -A postrouting_rule -s" str2post($2) " -d " $3 " -j MASQUERADE"
        print printvar
        if (debugging == "1") print "echo \"" printvar "\""
        printvar = ""

        #commented out 2 lines
        #print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" str2ipt($2) target
        #print "iptables        -A forward_$ifname    -d " $3 fwopts " -j ACCEPT"
        print ""

function str2post(str) {
        _cmd = ""
        if (_l["iface"] != "") _cmd = _cmd " -i " _l["iface"]
        if (_l["proto"] != "") {
                _cmd = _cmd " -p " _l["proto"]
                if ((_l["proto"] == "tcp") || (_l["proto"] == "udp")) {
                        if (_l["sport"] != "") _cmd = _cmd portstr("src", _l["sport"])
                        if ($4 != "") {
                                if (_l["dport"] != "") _cmd = _cmd portstr("dest", $4)
                                if (_l["dport"] != "") _cmd = _cmd portstr("dest", _l["dport"])
        if (_l["layer7"] != "") {
                if (insmod_l7 != 1) {
                        print "insmod ipt_layer7 >&- 2>&-"
                        insmod_l7 = 1
                _cmd = _cmd " -m layer7 --l7proto " _l["layer7"]
        return _cmd

And in /usr/lib/qosfw/common.awk in the function str2ipt on the line "if (_l["dest"] != "") _cmd = _cmd " -i " _l["dest"]" change the "dest" to "iface"

That should allow you to firewall/qos based on interface instead of destination IP

Then create a file called /etc/hotplug.d/iface/S09-firewall and put the following in it to get it to rerun the firewall every time the router gets a new IP:


#run the firewall
if [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" -a "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then

NOTE: I have not tested the interface functionality, so I don't know if you actually can setup rules based on iface at the moment.
Note to mbm: HAHA, NO GPIO!

(Last edited by eatnumber1 on 26 Feb 2006, 03:54)