OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT Arduino USB

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I want to connect arduino to Openwrt (MR3040) USB port.

I want to be able to send data from my progrm running on OpenWRT, to my other program running on arduino over, USB.

Which openWRT USB driver do I pick when I do "make menuconfig"?

I already have "libusb-1.0", "kmod-usb-acm", and "kmod-usb-ohci", and "kmos-usb2" selected.

Also how do I do communucation from my C program on OpenWRT to the Arduino?


rough_neck wrote:

Also how do I do communucation from my C program on OpenWRT to the Arduino?

This is the question, that you need to answer first. I'm not into Arduino, I just know that they are based on Atmel controllers.
So, basically you need to design you Arduino first, meaning: does it have built-in USB support? Or do you plan on bit-bang USB using two GPIOs? Or do you want to use the serial port and use a USB-serial interface? So, in conclusion, you have the options of communication via serial or HID (avrusb is popular for that).

The discussion might have continued from here.