OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: what has changed?

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I just noticed that my Openwrt build is MUCH larger now than a few days ago and I didnt change anything.

Did someone change some code at theOpenwrt distribution that caused my make to re-download some packages and re-make it causing the size change?

Also "utime" is no longer defined in uclibc because when I run my app on the target, it crashes because utime is not in uclibc all of a sudden, when it was all working just a few days ago.

I noticed on the Openwrt website that it said they switched to a different uclibc, also switched kernels, and many other stuff, is this causing my build to be much bigger now my code can no longer run.

Why do they keep adding more and more code?

Just a few days ago I had 12meg free on the target, now suddennly its only 9 meg free, and I didnt write 3 megs of code in the past few days, so something changed in Openwrt, becuase when you type make, it goes and updates the packages while doing builds, this is something I dont like about the openwrt build system, it goes and changes things behind your back, gumming up whatever you were doing.

3 Megs of RAM is a big deal.

Anybody noticed any changes to their builds within the past few days.


AFAIK it is the new kernel that is causing the bloating. If possible I would stay with AA final (and download the full source in case you need to build any or everything in future).

According to OpenWRT website, attitude adjustment was finalized in April 25 (over a month ago), however if you visit this page

it said changes to attidude adjustment was made just 5 days ago.

Do I have the website wrong or is something going on?


The AA branch stil lreceives selected backports from trunk. The binaray AA 12.09 release was built on april 25th.


Thanks for your suggestion about using AA, however according to the website  AA the one with the new kernel thats causing the bloat? Do you know how to build AA without the new kernel?

The other issue is..... according to the uclibc website they just released a new version of ucLibc on May 15, if you look on this other website    someone had the same problem with utime being missing, and the date at the bottom of that page is May 14,2013, one day before they released the new version.

Do you know how I can build AA with the old version of uClibc?

Man!!! this is such a big problem, not only do I have to fix my own bugs, but other people in the world are making changes messing me up too.


Sorry rough_neck, I can't help further.
Hopefully jow or another dev will pitch in with a solution.

strange the Openwrt website said it switched to uClibc for attitude adjustment, but uclibc was already in kamikazie from last year, why would they say that?


Do you know how the website of the "trunk" so I can see what changes were made in the past few days or the past month?

Do you have any idea why 'utime' is suddennly missing? my program cant run now at all because of it.

Also the build size is so much bigger that my program cant run all of its functions now becuase of that.

This is a big deal for me because I was just ready to do a big release and now I cant because of this show stopper, I'm dead in the water.


TBH I have no idea what your problem actually is. I have zero issues using utime() in most recent trunk.

jow@jell $ cat test.c 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utime.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const struct utimbuf b = {
        .actime = 1000,
        .modtime = 2000,

    return utime("/tmp", &b);
jow@jell $ STAGING_DIR=./staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- ./staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- -o test test.c
jow@jell $ file test
test: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), with unknown capability 0x41000000 = 0xf676e75, with unknown capability 0x10000 = 0x70403, not stripped

Found out that removing opkg from the build (I was trying to save space) also removes the function "utime". I thought that was located in uclibc, but somehow taking out opkg takes out utime also.

The discussion might have continued from here.