OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Can we have afterburner working in wds with this?

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi to all,

I know OpenWrt is a project not based on broadcom wl driver, but I think this could be important (if true, obviously) and I'll appreciate the impressions of the OpenWrt developers

looking on the net I found this product … ?prod=5461

As OpenWrt table of hardware says, this router is based on Broadcom 5350 (most similar to 5352 of WRTG(S) I think). On the usr website I found that with the last firmware realase what they called "MaxG mode" (our Afterburner I think) is finally supported in wds mode!

I downloaded the source from usr gpl code central(, model xx5461) and I found that wl binaries are more recent than Linksys (10/2005).

Unlucly I'm trying but I'm unable to build a firmware image from linksys original adding the new wl drivers (I'm no too linux skilled  )

Can somebody see if it's possible to use these new drivers in order to verify if it's true that afterburner works in wds mode?

Assuming that I've a buildable source (the linksys original), what do I modify if I want, as in this case, refresh firmware with new drivers?


Try to replace the wl.o that openwrt uses with this one...

I tried with the linksys firmware, simply replacing wl folder but it doesn't work (error compiling firmware).... so I think that I'll obtain the same result with OpenWrt...

What I must do, replace the wl.o and compile the firmware (in this case OpenWrt) or replace the wl.o in /lib/module/etcetc?

I tried the first case and I obtain error compiling the firmware, in the second case the wl.o was 'locked' and I'm unable to replace... please, can you give me some help or howto?

Thanks in advance,

I've had a look at the driver now. It's much newer than the Linksys version and also incompatible with that system code.
So while we won't support it in White Russian, an only slightly older version of that driver is already integrated in Kamikaze.
You should probably wait until it's a bit more stable before trying it...

Ok, I'll wait....

You said the driver is incompatible with linksys code... it's much different indeed?  Kamikaze uses a older version of this driver so with Kamizake will be sufficient to replace the driver and compile it?


Yes, but the integration into Kamikaze is not complete yet.

Ok, I read kamikaze is still unstable because in deep development... so I'll try smile


I was just looking into this issue. I'm running whiterussian, using non-lazy WDS to link two WRT54GS. wl0_gmode is set to 6 by default. The link is working, but it's slower than I hoped. Should I be using some other value here to get better results?


The discussion might have continued from here.