OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Issue Compiling Kernel Modules

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm trying to enable 5GHz mode for radio0 on a TP-Link WDR-3500. Radio0 runs off the AR9344 SoC and Radio1 runs off the an AR9582. I'm running Barrier Breaker R36195.

I was trying to modify some values in the ath9k driver's eeprom_def.c file by creating a patch and putting it in target/linux/ar71xx/patches-3.8. However, using printk()'s I noticed that none of my changes are showing up when I flash the machine. dmesg doesn't show any of my output.

After compiling I checked under build_dir/target-*/linux-ar71xx_generic/linux-3.8.3/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k and found that these files are indeed getting patched with my printk() statements. Somehow it seems that my code isn't ending up in the compiled ath9k.ko kernel module.

I haven't been able to figure out why my changes are not working. I'm at a loss. Does anybody know what I could be doing wrong? I'll be glad to supply any information I may have left out.

Thank You.

Are you sure that kernel tree driver was used ? smile
Check build_dir/target-*/linux-ar71xx_generic/compat-wireless-*/drivers/net/wireless/ath
I think you need apply patches to  package/mac80211.

Well, apparently I tried over 70 times to apply the patch to the wrong directory. This was over 28 hours of banging my head against a wall.

I only needed to apply my patch in package/mac80211/patches and it worked.

You Sir, are my hero.

Thank You!!!

The discussion might have continued from here.