OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Sx 763 enabling WAN on LAN4

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I installed OpenWrt on sx763, it works like a charm big_smile

I want to enable WAN port, this router have that option but i dont know how, i have cable internet and all information is obitain automaticly.

I think this is solution but i dont know how to configure it.


in the first image, select PPPoE, then click switch protocol button. It will show up a screen where you can input username and password provided by your ISP provider. In the second image, I believed you have to select and tick button with Ethernet Adapter: "nas0" (wan) description.

Try it first.

(Last edited by @ll@n416 on 20 Jan 2013, 19:32)

Thanks for your reply big_smile

I tried this with a friend's internet connection because it uses PPPoE and it works perfectly.

But in my case, this is how I solved my problem: <- port 4 is now WAN port <- the protocol that I have used <- new eth0.2 VLAN interface

But there is another problem, as you can see, there is no wireless interface, i don't know why but wifi ii not working, there is no wireless at all...

Here is a picture

And how to install ugly patch, i want to enable USB, i downloaded ugly patch for sx763

(Last edited by gigabyte091 on 21 Jan 2013, 09:52)

You're Welcome.

have you tried checking if you wifi is enabled? which version of OpenWrt you are using and installed? most of the time, wireless is enabled by default in OpenWrt Backfire and Attitude Adjustment. Why is your wan in DHCP? how are you connected to internet? how many ports do you have in your router? which port did you use when you connect to your friends internet? sorry, i don't have the unit you have.

The discussion might have continued from here.